
How to Make a Book Landing Page

When creating your book sales page or course landing page, start with these questions:

1. What’s the purpose of my sales page? Have one clear call to action, like subscribing for a free chapter, buying a pre-order, or taking up a special fans & followers offer.

2. What am I offering my readers? Not more information, but an ability to earn more, do more, be more productive.

3. How will my prospects benefit from what I’m offering them? — A strong “what’s in it for me”.

4. Have I incorporated the strongest selling points in the headline?

5.  Is there one clear reason for my ideal readers to buy?

6.  Can I summarise some of my longer paragraphs with easier to read lists (written in direct voice)?

7.   Does the design allow for ease of reading?  White space and title case headings are proven to be clear winners.

8.  What do my readers need to know so they can accept and buy now…? E.g. is it a digital download? Can they get lifetime access? Is your shipping quick? Is your pricing clearly marked with the currency?

9. Is the Teaser Title different to the name of the book? A teaser title (in large text) might offer a different angle on the book, and be sure to tie it in to the book blurb.

10. Have I offered a chapter preview or additional content in exchange for an email address? Keeping in touch with pre-launch readers will benefit the book’s launch and keep attracting interest.

Landing Page Design D-I-Y

Whether you are learning to write landing pages for your book or an online course, you will need to find a platform to build them on, and a testing methodology.

If you are not into paying $55+ per month for a landing page conversion builder,  then why not check out your own WordPress template?  You can also buy a good adaptable one, like Impreza, if you want an author, blog, and possibly services, like mine is.

Or you may choose a Magazine layout kind, called Bridge: https://1.envato.market/KEnEv

Or focus just on a long landing page style. (Just have a poke around Envato under the type of template you require).

Make the page clean, without a javascript header, navigation menu or crowded sidebar. (You should however, have an email capture form that appears for everyone and a privacy policy link). More tips at Book Marketing Tools: How to Create a High-Performing Sales Page.

Learning marketing? Want a book for authors to help implement low-cost marketing? Read the Niche Marketing and Book Guide.

Note: Some of the links on this page are referral partners of ours, and if you click on them, we will get a small commission. You can do this clicking without any charge to yourself though.



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