Are you ready to get your book written and finished? Then consider this Non-Fiction Book Writing Coach, Australia-wide.


You’ve got a message to share. You may even have a draft partway done, but it just doesn’t seem to be coming along. You're stuck. Or you know the book’s theme but don't know where to start with the writing and structuring. If this applies, then consider hiring a book writing coach.

Book writing coaching with Jennifer is relevant for many kinds of writers – in business or retired, a coach or a counsellor. However, Jennifer doesn’t help fiction writers or poets.

A book coach is someone who has written books before, researched target reader-fit and the book marketplace, and if an editor, can help guide your writing. This constant feedback guides you to become a stronger writer.

Listening to your obstacles, in the first session we’ll unpack the schedule and daily habits that could work for YOU to get motivated. Together we’ll start the book planning process, called Outlining.

Each fortnight, your book writing coach gives chapter feedback on voice, language used, the overall book’s structure, and keeping to the agreed theme.

Developmental editing throughout

With feedback, you’ll soon understand how to tighten up your writing and choose the best analogies, anecdotes, case studies, quotes, and references.

Learn how to research facts using verified research sources.

So who is Jennifer Lancaster?

book writing coach and editor Jen LancasterI’ve been an editor of many different styles of books in the non-fiction space, including health, success, self-development, and psychology.

I’ve written books about money/finance, marketing, and freelancing.  I have also done complex book typesetting and handled print-on-demand and Kindle Direct.

Every book coach should love to read! I’m an avid reader of self-help, marketing, writing and personal finance books. Observing what works in other books helps me to advise authors.

After graduating in 2002, I’ve worked part-time in copywriting and digital marketing for small business, so I apply my marketing know-how to hooks and sales blurbs.

Enquire for More Questions and My Availability

What You’ll Learn During Book Writing Coaching Sessions

Book writing development helps you:

  • Develop your theme, whether for a commercial market or reader enjoyment. This is crucial when it comes time to promote your book to a niche audience
  • Assist with your book outline to get it into a uniform shape
  • Mindset: with a kind listening ear, you can overcome what was keeping you from moving ahead with writing
  • Keep your written voice and point-of-view consistent
  • Remember the parts of a book that must be managed, e.g. foreword, preface, about the author, and endorsements
  • Learn to kick some of your unhelpful writer patterns (we all have them!)
  • Keep on track towards your deadline, with a paced writing schedule tailored to your word count goals
  • Know what steps come next – if considering your own imprint, benefit from our book designer and indexer network.

Book Writing Coaching Process

After reading the workbook (supplied), first we go through planning your Topic and Outline together.

Before every one-to-one session, I will read your work of around 7 A4 pages and offer editing suggestions. A few days later, we have a Zoom call – to discuss any blocks, recent writing, and the language designed for your target reader.

Support for all Writing Blocks – guaranteed!

Establish book coaching process

Establish Book Development Program – 6 to 12 Months

The full writing development package includes:

10 sessions of Google Meet-based writing coaching (45 minutes to an hour) and audience selection support

Editing Suggestions on chapters.   Helpful editorial review of 7-11 pages, including overcoming any problems coming up. Feedback on structure or reductions will also be included.

Extra session and support for publishing or self-publishing – includes tips for proposing to publishers or self-publishing pathways.

Copyediting round included (valued at around $2,000)

12 months’ access to Book Creation & Self-Publish course.

Access the special monthly payment plan for up to 12 months.

Special Inclusions

Included in the full Establish book development package:

  • Self-publishing video lessons in the Book Creation Self-Publish course (info on formatting, distribution, eBooks, costs, library supply, legalities, and ISBNs).
  • Blurb Writing support (with hot selling points);
  • Get audience targeting and pricing help, as this helps you focus on profiting from your creative works.
  • A book planning workbook, which will help in the early stages. 
  • Screen share training for KDP or IngramSpark (NEW!)

This personalised and expert advice is NOT generally provided by ‘hybrid’ publishing support houses.

mega book planning workbook cover


Our modifiable Writing Schedule is planned to keep you on track to the next 10,000 words or other milestone, while allowing time for editing and reflection. This helps with planning the time allocated to write and thinking ahead.


We keep it simple, with an easy outlining method and advice. Anyone can do this, so don’t worry.  You can even transcribe much of your book, as long as you keep references used.

After the book development stage is complete and you have integrated our suggestions, the manuscript will be ready to integrate. Many common structural problems and repetitions will have been cleared away, leaving just a copy editing round to go. Your book will also be long enough to meet market expectations, but not too wordy, and can be priced accordingly.

Get your book finished – with Jennifer’s help:

If you’re keen to find out about working with a writing coach, then book in with Jennifer for a 25-minute needs and options session

Important Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, Jennifer, your writing coach, will provide editing services, including copy editing at the finalisation of the draft. She will help you polish your manuscript by suggesting improvements in clarity, coherence, and style.

Absolutely, having been a writer herself, Jennifer can offer strategies to overcome writer’s block and beat procrastination. Using the world’s great resources, she offers guidance on how to stay productive and creative throughout the writing process.

No, you do not need a complete plan; Jennifer, your writing coach, can help you by discussing your book’s structure and outline. She assists you in clarifying your vision and goals for the book from the beginning.

No, Jennifer helps you write your own book, offering guidance and feedback, whereas a ghostwriter writes the book for you. She empowers you to develop your own voice and storytelling skills – skills you take with you through life.

The timeline varies, depending on the book length and the writer’s pace, but Jennifer, your writing coach, can help you set realistic deadlines and milestones – which is generally around six to nine months. Consistent progress is the goal, and she helps you stay on track throughout the process.

Well, this package allows a path for finalising a commercial book draft ready for traditional publishing or for self-publishing. All this will be discussed so you are ready for your path. The designing/formatting or application to publishers is not included in the package, although Jennifer can help with navigating the traditional publisher lists and traps for the unwary. She also helps with writing a blurb to hit the hot buttons!

Terms and Details of the Non-Fiction Writing Coaching:

Scheduled writing/publishing coaching sessions, plus regular editing suggestions in Word or Docs are included. Can be spaced to suit your book writing and work schedule.  Can be re-booked if ill or overseas, up to a maximum of 3 months over schedule. Coaching includes: tailored planning advice, a tailored publishing schedule, and guides to get you kick-started.

Please note: Pricing is in Australian currency, as at May 2024. GST is not currently charged. ABN 80 544 508 158.  Business Author Academy abides by the privacy laws and the state legislation of Queensland.

As a Book Writing Coaching client, get 12 months free membership to Book Creation Self-Publish.

Log in and download all the audios, tutorials, a Self-Publishing Schedule, and read articles on self-publishing, legal aspects, production/editing, readership offers, marketing & branding, print-on-demand guidance, and a media guide.

Also see our other author services.