share a sincere message
Book Writing, Updates

Helping Authors to Share a Sincere Message, Despite AI

In the ever-evolving publishing landscape, it’s crucial to think about the quality and authenticity of written work. The rise of AI-generated content has raised concerns about the integrity of literary publications – even those direct to KDP. However, seasoned writer Jennifer Lancaster notes that discerning book lovers are quick to spot insincere content, and it’s important to retain a heartfelt message in all literary and customer-focused publications. In response to this pressing issue, the Australian Publishing Association and the Australian Society of Authors have put out statements, while the Small…
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Book Writing

Everybody wants Inspiration to Write, Nobody wants Perspiration

There seems to be many myths surrounding writing a book (or a paper, for that matter). Most of these centre on the idea of ‘the muse’ and waiting for inspiration to strike. We mess about all day, thinking we’re adding to our work by reading a bunch of articles, going on Quora, and then immediately forgetting what was found. I don’t want you to be that person. The one thing you might want to stop to read is a book I found years ago. It’s called ‘55 Essential Strategies for Every…
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writing concerns are needless fears - writer
Book Writing

All your Writing Concerns are Needless Fears

Rejoining Medium.com, I found an article on How to Overcome Creative Blocks by LC Lynch, some of which hails from Elizabeth Gilbert’s Big Magic. Without fail, each was a concern I’ve either heard from book writers or ones I’ve had myself. So, let’s discuss popular writing fears and how to overcome writer’s block. Block to Creating anything 1:  I’m not talented enough or worthy Yep, had this one. It’s apparent that newer writers think our writing is bland and not really singing its special song. We fear criticism, and some clam…
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Engage the world in book creation

Engage the World in Your Book Creation to Get Traction

Sometime in the 1990s I went to see a band called TISM and had a rockin’ good time. This is Serious Mum is an anonymous, energetic rock band which riffs on social themes and is quite out there. Now what the actual has this got to do with book creation, you might ask?  Three things: Suburban and urban themes, such as pointing out real hypocrisy Energy Novel ideas – no idea is too out there Bring the energy to your Category of One Now let’s bring that kind of vibe…
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how do I write a book - a guide
Book Writing

How Do I Write a Book? Your Book Writing Helper

This question underlies everything I do when creating books: how do I write a book that resonates with my market? Always think about a potential market first. Also, consider the barriers and pitfalls that may stop you. (To help you, this 1,800 word guide is written by me, Jennifer, an author, book coach and editor). Table of Contents for this Book Writing Guide How long should it take to write a book?How to come up with a good topic for a book?How to write a book when you have Dyslexia…
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author contemplating using ChatGPT
Book Writing

If You Use ChatGPT for Book Writing, a Word to the Wise

Last week I bought a Kindle book about mastering your own Public Relations. Firstly, if you use a title along those lines, you will attract people wanting to DIY their brand publicity/PR and expecting some handy tips. Let’s see where the use of ChatGPT all went wrong. There were some real entrepreneur stories of success in the eBook, and these were the ideas I wanted to be taken deeper into. When the author used some survey results, the arguments were not fleshed out. It was simply the numbers. Yet later…
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