My New Book: 20 Most-Asked Questions on Prosperity
I’m excited to share that my new book, “20 Most-Asked Questions on Prosperity” is out on 12 September! In this book, I dive deep into the burning questions that keep many people awake at night. “Why is it so hard to charge more and how can I increase my rates?” Or, “Whenever I work, I seem to give more than I get back. How can I receive more?” Are you feeling stuck when it comes to your financial prosperity? You’re not alone. Many women (and some men) struggle with undercharging for their services and wondering why success remains elusive. My ebook, 20 Most-Asked Questions on Prosperity, tackles these common issues head-on. By blending practical psychological principles with spiritual wisdom, it offers fresh insights to help you shift your mindset. “Luck” is given too much credence. So it was fun to…
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