Book Writing

Everybody wants Inspiration to Write, Nobody wants Perspiration

There seems to be many myths surrounding writing a book (or a paper, for that matter). Most of these centre on the idea of ‘the muse’ and waiting for inspiration to strike. We mess about all day, thinking we’re adding to our work by reading a bunch of articles, going on Quora, and then immediately forgetting what was found. I don’t want you to be that person. The one thing you might want to stop to read is a book I found years ago. It’s called ‘55 Essential Strategies for Every…
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Gorilla Tactics Book Review
Book reviews

Gorilla Tactics by Greg Cummings – Review

Well written, in the style of narrative nonfiction, Gorilla Tactics (How to Save a Species) starts off with the author’s experience of trying to save Mountain Gorillas (not physically but through awareness) but being caught up in a horrifying war in Rwanda. (Early galley review.) After all, only a few hundred mountain gorillas remain in these high mountains of Uganda, Rwanda and Congo. I would like to know more about the town of Kigali in Rwanda, as there was no descriptions, bar the decimation of the town after looting. The…
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Author interview The Decision Expedition
Book Marketing

A Journey to the Decision Expedition with Simon Hawk

Jennifer asked recent author Simon Hawk to explain how his book “The Decision Expedition” is well-placed to receive attention and get an interesting psychological viewpoint of marketing as well. Let’s talk about the theme of your book – what does it offer readers? The premise of this book is two-fold: Small business owners are experts in their own field, but also need to be experts in marketing. This is what this book is trying to help them become.When people talk about marketing, they talk about all kinds of things, like…
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Jennifer Lancaster, Finalist for award in online education

Business Author Academy named as a finalist for National Awards

Jennifer Lancaster of Business Author Academy has been named as a finalist for the AusMumpreneur Awards in the Online Education category. The AusMumpreneur Awards, presented by The Women’s Business School, celebrate Australian mums in business who are achieving outstanding success in various areas, like business excellence and digital innovation. The awards are designed to recognise the growing number of women who successfully balance motherhood and business in a way that suits their life and family. From relative obscurity, Jennifer Lancaster has gradually become an Australian leader in self-publishing. Enthusiastic about…
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healthy city road people
Blogging Strategy

Starting a Blog from Scratch

If you want to know how to start a blog from scratch and build up so your books and authorship can become well-known, then start with your strategic plan. It will help a lot over the coming months and years. Here are some lessons I learned, along with some thought leaders’ lessons, like Ali Abdaal, who is more on the YouTube side of things.
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how much does book publishing cost

How Much Does Publishing a Book Cost?

Here we’re mainly talking about costs of self-publishing a print book within Australia. Usually, an eBook-only publication can be done with only editing and minor ebook cover design costs. Read all of this article before going to Amazon or IngramSpark with your final file, so you can set yourself up for success. How much does it cost to self-publish a book on Amazon?  Amazon KDP is the leading self-publishing platform, and it is free to publish a book there.  But wait. Publishing your book to Amazon, IngramSpark or Blurb is the final step in…
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