
Why do Authors Need a Marketing Mindset?

Even a simpleton will realise that novice or pro authors and business owners alike need to focus on their marketing activity. But, which elements do we need to work on—and why?

Coming from a ‘why’ perspective, it gives any author a strong enough motive to move past their comfort zones. Hell yeah!

  • Rather than worrying over your ‘product’ (book or service), your message is front and centre. This is great because it means people connect with your hook or your ethos.
  • You will be learning about brand, benefit writing, landing pages, keywords, and teaser lines: all stuff that is handy for attracting anyone to any book.
  • A niche marketing mindset is even better. That’s because choosing a niche will help an author attract fans with this laser focus. Using certain words, a phrase, a slogan or even a book title that shakes things up can be an ‘attractor factor’, e.g. ‘Joyful Eating’ or ‘The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F#$$’.   

niche marketing course
See my new guide: Turn your Ideas into Memorable Books.

When There’s a Recession, You can Rely on Creative Ideas

Feeling a bit down about the ASX?  A major source of Aussie authors’ success has been a willingness to come up with creative ideas and put them out there, faithfully.  Pick out the cut-through ideas from these:

They all used some different ideas for a hook. Four Ingredients was designed for a busy Mum and so practical; Amplify outlines simple steps to get started with Podcasting; Almost French and When in Rome are stories where the writer lived and loved in the country and gave us that ‘real’ view. Enormity was such a wonderful novel idea, although it’s a different in tone to the movie, that the idea was whipped off to Hollywood.

According to Valerie Khoo, if you only focus on revenue/sales, then it can reduce your creativity and growth.  Exploring the world of art helped her business. The Power Stories author talks more about creative curiosity in business here: https://herbusiness.com/podcast/111-why-giving-in-to-your-creative-curiosity-is-good-for-your-business/

Create, Don’t Copy

You don’t need to copy other people for your social media imagery and postings. You do you.

Creativity can also apply to posters, banner, bookmark design, a helpful, informative website, or even software, like Simply Budgets. One lady even made a customised wallet that let people save more often.

Curating the best technology tools or trending news for your industry can also help your fanbase.

Sometimes, just playing with Canva can help you get started in using the visual imagery to help your everyday marketing. (I am a subscriber of Canva for Work, the paid edition and find it’s worthwhile).

A ‘Marketing Mindset’ will also drive your book sales. So, no more worrying over what to do… Pick up your keyboard, drawing tablet, or favourite app, and create a mini marketing campaign for your new book.



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