How to write the dream book on topic with a writing coach

How You Can Write the Dream Book on Your Topic, with a Writing Coach

Many pre-retirees are looking for ways to preserve their ideas, their life experiences and business takeaways for future generations. In fact, about 15 percent of 55-year-olds want to write a book as part of their retirement ‘bucket list’ (Money magazine). However, transforming that dream into a published reality requires careful planning, dedication, and guidance.

Why Work with a Writing Coach?

Writing a book can be a daunting task, but working with a writing coach makes the process smoother and more structured. A book writing coach helps you refine your ideas, develop a writing schedule, and improve your storytelling. Whether you are writing a memoir, a guidebook, or a business book, expert guidance can be invaluable in overcoming writer’s block, structuring your content, and ensuring clarity in your message.

Steps to Writing and Publishing Your Dream Book

Step 1: Hone Your Writing Skills

Before diving into writing, it’s important to develop your writing and editing skills. Consider taking the Book Creation Self-Publish course, which is a reasonable $300 and covers book creation steps, tutorials on KDP, IngramSpark, ISBNs, legal issues, funding, and prelaunch ideas. This course provides essential knowledge to help you navigate the self-publishing landscape with confidence.

If you’re writing a memoir, keep in mind that factual memories can be enhanced with creative writing techniques to make it engaging. Learning how to weave personal experiences into a compelling narrative is essential — even your nephew will want to read a great story! This is what we can work on in life story coaching sessions.

Step 2: Understand Your Publishing Options

Traditional publishing is highly competitive and requires persistence in querying agents or securing literary awards. Many aspiring authors find self-publishing a more achievable path. Having self-published my own book, Sack Your Financial Planner, I’ve learned that the publishing process is more complex than it first appears. However, by following these key steps, you can navigate the journey with confidence.

Step 3: Prepare Your Book for Publishing

Editing is a crucial stage in the book-writing process. A well-edited book ensures clarity, readability, and professionalism. Don’t forget to include important sections such as About the Author, Preface, and a Table of Contents.

Step 4: Choose Your Book Format

Decide whether you want to publish a paperback, hardback, or eBook. Each format requires different design and formatting considerations:

  • Print books require a professional layout, which can be achieved using a Word template or a designer.
  • eBooks need to be formatted for different platforms, such as Mobipocket (MOBI) for Kindle and ePub for most other e-readers.

Step 5: Set Up for Print on Demand (POD)

Print-on-demand services allow you to print copies as needed, reducing upfront costs. Popular platforms include:

  • Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP)
  • IngramSpark (which allows access to libraries and bookstores)

To set up on these platforms, you’ll need an ISBN (International Standard Book Number), which some platforms provide for free. If you choose Amazon KDP, completing a US tax interview online is also required.

Step 6: Design a Professional Book Cover

Your cover design is the first impression of your book – so make it a good one. Hiring a professional designer can make a significant difference:

  • Print book cover design: $250+
  • eBook cover design: $50-$150

Step 7: Register for Library and Distribution Access

Ensure your book is accessible to libraries and major distributors by obtaining Pre-Publication data and listing your book with supplier networks. More in our Book Creation and Self-Publishing course.

Step 8: Plan Your Marketing Strategy

Once your book is ready, marketing is key to reaching your audience. Some essential marketing steps include:

  • Writing a press release
  • Engaging with the right Facebook community by making short videos, image mockups, and quotes from the book
  • Building an author website and email list by offering something juicy
  • Utilising Amazon ads

For the intrepid, there is an alternative to using Indie Author Support Services. That is to use freelancers to do some of the trickier elements like editing and formatting. This is a clever solution, if you know who and what to look for. The instructions will be all in my next book ‘Becoming a Micro Publisher’.

memoir and biography coaching

What if You’re Looking to Publish a Memoir or Family Biography?

For authors who really want to tell their ‘war story’ but are getting on in life a bit, then they need someone to explain all the options and guide them.  That’s where Life Story Coaching comes in.

This mentor can help guide you on what platform to use, what you can expect to pay per copy, and what eBook publishing involves.  They may also provide book services, like editing, page formatting, and referral to freelancers for cover design and photography.  There are many areas in self-publishing to learn, so ask the right questions at the outset.

Final Thoughts

Writing and publishing a book is a rewarding but detailed process. Having a structured plan, learning from experts, and seeking guidance from a writing coach can make your journey far more successful. Yes, it’s quite some work, but with persistence and the right strategies, you can bring your dream book to life!

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