self-publishing mentor to guide

Self-Publishing Mentor to Guide You

IT IS SO HARD TO BECOME AN INDIE AUTHOR and BE SUCCESSFUL. (That’s why you may need a self-publishing mentor).

In my enthusiasm for writing useful books, I didn’t realise the absolute sh#t you have to deal with being a self-published author of any kind.

There is a lack of book distribution partners who deal with us… I mean the kind that take 70% and give you access to the Big W, Target, and franchise bookstores.

There is a lack of retailer co-operation on things like retail price points (my blog about these problems!) or any showcasing of Australian authors, unless you have a corporation. Although, if you have a Society of Authors (ASA) membership, at least you can turn to them for member support rather than flail alone.

It’s true that I like to share my findings with all the new book authors freely. In fact, I could be the only Australian self-publishing mentor with a hands-on understanding of:

  • Writing or editing a non-fiction book — a good mix of both skills
  • Book formatting/typesetting, and
  • IngramSpark ins and outs.

Besides editing books, in recent times I have been testing different marketing ideas and compiling learning resources for indie authors.

If you’re an Author who needs help with common self-publishing areas like typesetting, artwork and P.O.D., ask about your needs via our contact form. Or simply book in for a 1-hour Self-Publishing Mentoring session for just $85.

What Else is Difficult for Indie Authors?

There is also a lack of quality information so that authors understand what to do. This involves:

(Deep breath…) How to get ISBNs, legal requirements, pre-format, upload and proof their book to the closest print on demand (or printer), get a good book cover design, find out about editing types and costs, get an author photograph and branding, write a bio of impact, find magazines to write for, write a release, and set up your own blog.

Don’t worry, this is all covered in my Book Creation Success program at Business Author Academy. In 2022 this course was re-planned and re-produced, with many videos and guides. I think you’ll find it a comprehensive alternative to other online courses. See below:

CoursePrices in AUD
Book Creation Success program, with guides, Q&A area$200, due to rise to $227
Authority Authors (support included) , no group$97/month x 10 = $970
AWC Successful Self-publishing course, no group$245
Self-Publishing Formula – 101 – Mark Dawson (US)sources say US$549 ($659)


Self-Publishing Training Made Easier

Many novices start off fresh but quickly get overwhelmed by all the information and templates to fill, even when they are there in one place. To improve interaction with the course, I wrote teaser emails for participants that summarise the content opening that week. This will go on for 20 weeks: a good long time to space your activities over. Learn—plan—do. Yes, you have to log in, but that is not too hard either.

What topics would you like to learn regarding publishing or profiting from your books?

So, if you’d like to get self-publishing mentor help or online training, there are lots of options. Do choose the one that you can get the most learning and relevant knowledge from.


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