arts grants explained

Does your writing benefit Australia? Arts Grants explained

Many a time we wish for money to help push our creative work forward. But did you know if you make your plan grander, for the betterment of Australia, you can access cash arts grants!

Arts Grants: what are they for?

An arts project funded by the Australian Arts Council has to benefit Australia in a cultural or other diverse way. You must be a citizen or permanent resident, and you have to already be an ‘arts worker’ – i.e. book writer. (Not a never published one).

For example, say, a book writing project on Australian history of white man’s invasion will be beneficial to culture. This would be a high priority arts project and could potentially be granted.

These types of activities can be funded:

  • professional skills development, including mentoring and residencies (book writing mentoring included)
  • the creation of new work
  • practice based research
  • creative development
  • experimentation
  • collaborations
  • touring
  • festivals
  • productions
  • exhibitions
  • performances
  • publishing
  • recording (e.g. recording your audiobook)
  • promotion and marketing
  • market development activity
  • activities that creatively engage communities.

It would be a matter of costing out all the elements and preparing CVs, samples of writing work, and really understanding the benefits of your project to Australian arts and culture. They will also look at the barriers you face as a regional & rural person, or Indigenous, or disabled, or born with another language.

This particular ‘Arts Project for Individuals or Groups‘ is applicable to grants of… $10,000 to $50,000!

I would like to re-make my author academy, so it can be more accessible and better, and the information helps authors self-create books, so that could be a project.

Grants close on 1 March 2022, but start applying early to not miss out.

What do you think? Have you applied for a grant or a residency? Let us know below.


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