Author Assist Packages Comparison Review

Author Assist Packages Comparison

If you’re part way into writing your book, it’s time to think about who is going to help put together your book and administrate it. This is a giant step but is often left to emotion and chance. So read our Author Assistance Package comparison review (Australian based).

Check down the bottom for DIY administration + freelancers option, which is the model for intrepid independent types.

Most author assistance packages leave out the most important service—editing (and writing support). Book publicity and launch planning is usually either an add-on or ‘find your way in the darkness’, but really important for you, the author.

Remember, no matter how little you may know about the publishing process, you are in control of the path before you. Let’s make it a good one.

Publicious: Package 3 + Editing added

Gold Coast, Australia.
Book in Print & eBook – 200 pages
Basic book cover design
Database listings and Prepublication data
50 copies of the book, delivered
Conversion to eBook formats
Ongoing Support
Distribution globally
Package: $1974
+ Combined Copy editing and Proofread @ $7 a page: i.e. $700 for 29,000 words
+ Optional Manuscript Assessment (AKA Structural or Substantive Edit) @ $0.011 per word.
Total: from AU $2,260 incl GST (price dropped 10% since 2019)

Publicious: Jen’s Opinion

Publicious (Gold Coast) primarily provide a publishing and distribution service. Their ‘Package 3’ includes design, typesetting, conversion and distribution, as well as 50 printed books. The price seems fine.

Editing is not included in any of their packages but can be added on for an additional fee. Accountability calls are not included. Cover designs seem a little amateur, but the owner is friendly and supportive, which is a plus.

Marketing. Offers a Book Publicist service, an Author Website service ($770) with bookstore, or Video Book Trailer(*). Also offer website maintenance at $20 per month, which is very reasonable.

Indie Mosh

Australian based and features a big author bookstore.
Combo Publishing Package for print and eBook, including conversions
Typesetting and cover design/preparation – total includes for 5 images
10 printed copies
Assistance with writing and editing descriptions + cover blurb
Assistance with keywords
Legal deposit
Print and ebook distribution and admin
Print proof
Pays 85% net royalties of all ebook sales
AU$3,295 (price raised 30% since 2019 to include more assistance)
(Discounts for bringing your own design or for loyalty)

Indie Mosh: Jen’s Opinion

Indie Mosh is a long-lived, Australian-based publishing and distribution service, covering both physical and digital books. They do not offer writing coaching.

I found Indie Mosh’s author store (One Thousand Words) a side benefit to publishing. Amazon link does not direct to the Australian bookstore but at least all the info under the author is there to read. Nice. They pay 85% royalties for life, which is not 100%, but it does take the hassle out of your hands.

I liked how they were very clear about what they provide and when they pay out. You don’t have to wait till the maximum Amazon sales threshold (of $100) is reached. Good reputation too.

You Control the Process!

A little different to Author Support Publishing Packages, this option allows you to choose your editor, book designer, etc, and get marketing support tailored to your goals.

Remember, there is a lot of artwork control and specification around the book production process, whether using a bulk book printer or ‘Print to Order’ with a Print on Demand supplier. So you’ll need the help of a book designer who is experienced in paperbacks.

Jennifer + Business Author Academy + Designer + You

Writing Coaching or Line Editing (Pricing varies)

Book Creation Success – Writing & Self-publishing Training for indie authors (nonfiction specialist)
Book Cover Designer of your choice

Marketing Plan – now includes NetGalley and BooksgoSocial, which means reviews for your book
Pricing Estimates

Writing Coaching $2,670 + Copy Editing $1,100
Line Editing of 50-80,000 word book (circa $3,000)

Book Design and Book Cover Design.
Designer – pay from $280 to $350 for pro cover design/artwork of paperback.
Outsource Design $1,290 for 3 mockup cover designs, 1 final art, 3D cover, and non-fiction book design

Marketing Plan: planning, messaging + launch & reviews support – from $700

ISBNs: $143 (if new Australian publisher. See MyIdentifiers)

Avg. Total for Full Publishing Support – Indie: $5,900 (incl external ISBN fees)

Avg. Total for Editing and Book Design Services – $4,430

This example is not designed to be a quote for your book; it is averaged.
This budget should not be compared to ‘publishing assistance’ packages, which DO NOT include editing support in the total unless stated.

You in Control – Main Benefits

  • Keep all your own royalties
  • Learn online (24/7) about writing and self-publishing, so you know for next time
  • Create better products for your clients, with local support
  • Don’t overpay; pay the going industry design and editing rate but not more
  • Be aware of what you need to do instead of ‘in the dark’ (leading to low sales and low visibility)
  • Customised advice: tried and tested marketing options

You in Control – Main Disadvantages

  • You need to do the ISBN admin, account setups, and campaigns if you elect to be an Indie Author
  • You can employ an Author VA if you don’t want to do the book admin or Amazon account setup and these ladies are affordable and experienced. However, Amazon accounts have two-factor logins, so you will need to set up the banking and details first usually. Also, the interview for tax.

Self Publisher Training – Book Creation Success Course

BAA – Example of the structure of content – this course has been improved over time.

*P.S. Record your own video book trailers, if at all possible. Then get someone to edit the video and make it sing. Way more connecting and engaging.



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