recession proof book publishing

How Can I Recession Proof my Book Publishing Business?

It’s that time in the economic cycle where the rubber hits the road… and starts flying off everywhere. Only 1 in 3 employers state they are going to increase salaries by over 3 percent. Costs are rising. Small businesses are hard enough to run, but with the global competition of book publishing at an all-time high, it starts to make you worry about the future of your fledgling book publishing business.

There is no need to wail. One, because business training for adults is getting cheaper (more on that soon). Plus, while others still seek to get their first book published, you can start looking at creating online courses, workshops and membership offers.

While many are ‘trying’ to do this and going on side ventures and $$$ courses, you can whiz by them and actually do it, launch it, and market it. Effectively, this will recession-proof your business.

And if you create a simple online course before you launch a new book on that very subject, you will likely do better financially out of the whole thing.

Your book ‘resources’ web page can collect names and interest in your course… while your online course sales page has more credibility because you have written a book on the topic.

Winner winner, chicken dinner.

As a search term, ‘Self-publishing’ had double the enquiries every month last year over ‘creating online course’. Except for June 2019. In winter, new projects are limited.

Marketing Your Business

Besides collating and creating an online course, you could also access my affordable marketing training to get your coaching sessions booked solid. (Also the name of a nifty book). Another goal you might have is to sell books / courses with a simple landing page. There are inexpensive tools for this and there’s no need to get customised websites.

When you want to expand your business, I’ve found that you butt up against all your fears and technical limitations. To get past these, some simple marketing pointers and tool tips will help shortcut the process.

Government Mentoring Support

Living in NSW and have a small-to-medium business? You can access free video tutorials in ‘Business Bytes’ (launching, managing cash-flow, growing your customer base, digital marketing).

In Queensland, there are all kinds of small business support programs, like Go Local, Grow Local and Mentoring for Growth. Also check out Events and free webinars, like ‘How women can set up their online business in 4 steps’

To sum up

So, creatively recession-proofing your business means setting up some solid all-year-round marketing for services… as well as thinking of things that can create recurring income or automated income. Like online courses, online club memberships, or remote group coaching.

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