behind the book author interview

Behind the Book ‘Ignite Your Power’

This is an Author Interview with Eve Dyer, the author of Ignite your Power, a high-quality, full length book launched in 2019.

What was your overall goal of writing your book, Ignite Your Power?

To help people, like the clients I’ve seen in my psychology practice, to stand up to hurtful and manipulative treatment. Most thought that by being kind and loving, their partner, friend or parent would listen. But of course they didn’t.

I wanted them to know how to use power assertively, not aggressively. How they could resolve their anxiety, stress, and depression, as well as the likely causes of these; their self-doubt, low self-esteem and vulnerabilities.

Which platforms did you personally market your book on?

The intention was to do so much, looking at the tasks from my eight-page spreadsheet! But then life circumstances changed, clients still needed me; much of it didn’t happen. But (third time lucky) at least my new website is up and I’m creating content for YouTube.  I plan to put video clips of role plays showing how to respond powerfully to hurtful or harmful treatment, as described in my book.

(Editor: That is a really good idea because it brings the book’s concepts to life and is something others just don’t do out of fear of looking silly).

I will post ideas, strategies and updates on Facebook about weekly, and in the future look forward to offering live presentations, and answer questions.  I also plan to update my Instagram and post ideas and quotes that didn’t make it into the book.

Did you do any competitions or gifting books to reviewers?

I offered lucky door tickets at the book launches (late 2019): for the paperback and the ebook. I have also gifted books to politicians and managers of organisations who work with people who have experienced any form of domestic violence. A book reviewer also found me and offered to write a review.

Would you recommend self-publishing to others in service business?

Yes, I would. However, only if you are prepared to do the extensive work and make all the decisions to get the best quality result. Going through Independent Ink, I supplied my book cover and discovered I had to spend more time on the design of the book than I had envisaged, but it was worth it to get the font and layout design choices that suited.

I also had to consider things I hadn’t even realised made so much difference… like the white space between the lines and the heading styles. I needed to consider readability and what was going to flow easily.

And how did it feel to ‘put yourself out there’?

I’m passionate about people replacing their fears and doubts with determination and strategies. So I use this as the catalyst to offer what I know works. This makes it easier when staring down the barrel of the camera or having a mental block speaking to media.

I was grateful to have received advice from Michelle Flemming and Renee Bugden about pitching and developing materials for media outlets. This resulted in a media release, newspaper article and an interview on ABC Radio. Developing media skills was challenging with so many other life pressures. I will soon start my strategy of posting an insight on Facebook and Instagram about fortnightly, and post events on LinkedIn, probably about once a month.

— Note to audience: Michelle Flemming is doing a special presentation on How to Prepare your Media Pitch… in Margate, Qld, on 28 July at 6:30 pm. $10 fee, limited numbers.

Key issues in writing and challenges

There was so much complexity and detailed work involved in writing and forming the structure of the manuscript. I wanted to make it a journey of personal discovery and growth for the reader. So the characters reflect examples of de-identified composite clients.

Another challenge was finding the right ‘point of view’. These now include first, second and third person point of view.  Past editors suggested changing the voice throughout the book (e.g. First Person/Second Person). But these suggestions didn’t support the essence of the book, which was to guide the reader on their path of self-discovery and growth.  The book now uses first, second- and third-person viewpoints, which are tailored to each section.

Finally, some advice for the self-help author. It’s tempting to talk about the great outcomes the person could have or the story of the author’s journey, but it takes painstaking work to flesh out what has led to a person’s difficulties and, more importantly, how they can achieve enduring changes in their perspectives, and patterns of thought and behaviour.

To me, it was important to make the book insightful and give the reader practical, effective tools to make profound changes in their psychological and emotional response patterns.

What final advice can you give to other writers?

“Be ready to change things; characters, stories, the book structure, and the points of view used.”

You can buy Ignite Your Power: Unmasking the Five Faces of Anger from author site EveDyer.com.au. Jennifer Lancaster had the pleasure of being the copy editor for this book.



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