Making ‘Someday’ Goals Part of Now!
Are you procrastinating on your biggest dreams, like that of writing a book, making excuses for yourself that you’re too busy… too tired… have too much ‘stuff’ to do?“There is never going to be a good enough time or a ‘some day’ where you have ‘enough time’”, says Andy Monks. Someday starts now.In any month, you may give 90 hours to your family and keeping the house, 795 hours or so to your work (clients/boss), and a few hours for school, church or community. But if you spend from just four (4) hours a week, or 17 hours a month, then within six months you could write a book and leave a coherent legacy. This beats a drawer full of notebooks with scribbles. That’s the bottom line.Another perspective is from a Brisbane coaching professional, Eduardo Gomes. He believes:“Many go through…
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