Writing a book in Australia

Writing a Book in Australia, in a Crisis

Like many who rely on the wonderful authors of this world, I need optimistic books right now! So this post will talk about what you can write a book about during this Coronavirus crisis, that also won’t date too much.

If you like writing non-fiction, the topics I am brainstorming here for 2020 are:

Career transitions.

What a great time to write about skilling up for a new career or home-based business, and as a bonus, discussing the technologies many of us need in modern business life. I wrote How to Start a Freelance Business. It is simple information, but just what someone starting up needs to consider, which they may not have done.

Next wave of Lifestyle Books: fresh ideas.

We’ve had all the turmeric latte/cacao cookbook ideas we can handle and a plethora of health or yoga books; now for other ideas that will help us in our new focus on health and family life balance. You could reach back to ancient times and write a book on ‘XX Minutes a Day for Tibetan Rites’  (These 5 Rites should be repeated up to 21 times, according to the Tibetans). Good with a set of explanatory videos, as a bonus.

Your travel story, but with history.

Your life and struggles might make a good story, but remember that everyone wants to know they’ll learn something or be entertained. So pack a few good yarns and include some interesting background on your travels or hometown. Read these authors:  Bill Bryson (anything!), Joe Bennett (Hello Dubai/A Land of Two Halves), Penelope Green (When in Rome).

While you could make this a large, picture-laden book, this will cost more to design and print. This is fine if it’s just for 10 friends and family, but not if you’re an indie after major distribution…

 Wonderful, youth-driven tales.

Everyone loves a young fiction writer made good. Backstory of authors is almost as important as the story, so why don’t more teen writers develop a book? Fortunately, there are some who amaze and have convinced me that age is of no importance to good writing. Setting the scene is best with a vivid imagination and the five senses.

So, Writing a Book in Australia – in this crisis – could be an exciting adventure for you. First, make sure you’ve got a handle on what budget and time is needed for various levels of editing, book design/production (save money with design templates), and marketing strategy as well… before you get TOO excited.

Creative WaysFor your chance to win a copy of Creative Ways with Money, please enter your idea for a book below. Your entry will be raffled and on 10th April 2020, ONE Australian will win a paperback!

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