
How to get People to Adore your Book in Advance

I’ve been working hard to finish off “How to Control your Financial Destiny”, and so at this point — where most authors are thinking about proofreading, layout, printing — I am thinking about MARKETING. How will I get my book noticed?  How will I get people talking about the topic?

The answer lies in letting people know about the HOOK of your book. Actually, you can even start them thinking in a whole new way about your topic. And this coverage, if done right and timed right, will lead to your book selling — with hardly more than a simple clear graphic image, interesting description, and a bookstore ‘buy now’ button.

The genuis at Author Media (makers of MyBookTable) has a pertinent post on Viral Marketing – called A Viral Recipe for your Blog post. Do you get it now that you DON’T talk all about your book in the viral post?  You might mention somewhere that this topic is explained in your book, but the whole article is an introduction that could stand alone.

Book Buzzing is also about promoting through Press Releases and timely approaches to media outlets, radio stations, TV, podcasts, business group talks, free seminars, etc.

Ideas for Promotion of my Financial Book

So, for getting people to stand up and take notice of their own financial plan, I’ve got some ideas. I’d of course like your FEEDBACK on which ones resonate with you.

The Financial Review show said:  80% of Financial Planners still make money through upfront commissions, and an Australian Securities and Investments Commission report (October 2014) found that 37 per cent of life insurance advice broke the law, which is an unacceptable level of failure.  This even after the Future of Financial Advice Reforms.

Isn’t it time to say enough is enough on poor financial advice?

If you’re an SMSF owner, consider this:

Property spruikers are not allowed to talk about the benefits of investing in property inside a SMSF, unless they have a financial services license. And yet some go around the country telling people how to do this strategy in seminars. What they are speaking of (direct property in a SMSF) is needed to go over on a one-to-one level, to ensure an appropriate risk level and diversity in a portfolio.

Marcus Padley (Stockbroker, Marcus Today) recently noted that someone asked him whether they have to know about trading foreign exchange to run their SMSF. This is the level of innocence of some people who have been sold on the concept of running their own super fund, but have no IDEA what they are doing. (Like, the answer is no!)

Isn’t it time to say enough is enough on poor SMSF advice?

Look at your own Superannuation fund statement. Does the option you are in say ‘Balanced?’  Does balanced always mean an equally balanced portfolio?

No, balanced often means riskier than you wanted or needed. People over 60 need to read their asset break-ups more closely – they are more likely to want to have a more DEFENSIVE allocation. Meaning, they steer clear of 70% equities/30% defensive (fixed interest, cash) break-ups.

Growth means riskier than balanced. Many ‘growth style’ funds invest in international equities – these generally have 1 in 4 negative years, so this is riskier than many other asset classes.

Isn’t it time to get out your glasses and really look at your Superannuation portfolio?





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