
There’s No Money in Books! Publishing for Profit

Just today someone said to me emphatically, “My friend wrote a book but he said there isn’t a lot of money in writing books.”  That’s true… Crikey thinks so.  (Article here)

Author of ‘Fat, 40 and Fired!’ Nigel Marsh told me in confidence that traditional publishing doesn’t pay enough of itself. Luckily he has a sense of humour and can consult.

But of course, you’re missing the point (as I said but more politely). The reason to write a book for business is COMPLETELY different to just doing it for satisfaction. And that is… drum roll… to educate new people in your way of thinking and draw them in like bees to your business flowers.

So, if your business is “flower arranging” and you write a book on cash flow, don’t expect that to work for you. Take it from me, success is difficult. But if you peg yourself as the floral designer who teaches simple techniques to Mums who want a beautiful new hobby, then publishing can work for you.

Business Publishing-for-Profit Factors

Ergo, if you have the:

  • Street cred – you’ve walked your talk and done this for years (or else have a new take)
  • Techniques simply explained… or knowledge explained with stories and cases
  • Confidence in what you do…

Then why not consider making a product or creating a book that TEACHES your market exactly what you most want them to know?  It’s not simply altruistic. At the end of the book, you can divert them to a free download offer, or simply to your Opt-in for a Newsletter. This is to keep the relationship going.

Foot in the Door Technique

There is a sales technique I learned called ‘Foot in the Door’. Ostensibly, if people ‘buy’ your small product, wouldn’t they be the best ones to keep in touch with and to sell your next ‘larger’ offers to?  Rather than any person floating by your website or ad, these people have indicated they’re interested in your topic… so naturally many of these will respond.

In the book, The 1-Page Marketing Plan by Allan Dib, he talks about this follow-up that on the fourth contact, only 89% of salespeople are still keeping in touch. If you have a follow-up program in place for your book-readers-to-website-visitors, then you’ll be the FIRST in mind when it’s time for that customer to buy!

As well, they are more likely to buy from a source of education and inspiration.

If you’re interested in book publishing for profit, then you could waitlist (be notified) for my new group program, Book Funnel Flow. A 9-part, 6 live sessions and support program, it’s launching in June 2023.

Conversely, if you intend on selling complex consulting or training to corporates, these people will only need to know that: a) you’ve done your groundwork and have a theory, and b) you have even put it in a book or course format. The mere fact that you are that far along the track is like a signal… in their busy minds they think, “here is the expert in this area (conflict resolution / hiring subcontractors, etc.) — let’s get him or her to present this topic to our staff, and see if we want to consult with them further”.

If you’re already blog writing every fortnight, then it is not so much more work to add an introduction, a conclusion, and structure it as a Book. It does take a book editor of some skill to help you. In this way, you are publishing for profit, with a supporter to help.



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