planning a course

How Authors Can Save Time in Writing

Those who wish to write a book to help their career or business often find it very difficult to get into flow with their book writing.

save time on book writing

The main problem is, when the person finally sits down to write, they don’t know exactly what to work on. So, the writer spends 20 minutes or so trying to work out what should go next. Does this sound familiar?

I, Jennifer, teach book writers a better method to apply. The process involves finding an angle from a competition search, brainstorming, mind mapping, refining the topics to cover and outlining the book.

Mind mapping centres on what a non-fiction writer must put across in their book to be relevant to readers today. It is a visual outline, which is then refined into a detailed table of contents, also called an outline.

In the course, we go over mind mapping towards an outline. There’s a video on competitive research as well. In fact, for those intending to self-publish, the course Book Creation Self-Publish is a guiding teacher. You even get a little homework, in the form of templates to fill in!

Book Creation Self-Publish covers:

  1. Why write a book? (for business or career)
  2. Learning the truth about self-publishing
  3. Researching and writing a book
  4. Book production
  5. Administration of print on demand
  6. Know the legal aspects
  7. Preparing for launch

You may also access a higher level of support in your book writing, with how-to & self-help book writing coach, Jennifer Lancaster. She has supported authors through her editing services for 10 years, which was a natural base for becoming a writing coach.

Book Creation Tips

To get beautiful works done, you need ‘nil distraction time’. Will your Facebook feed write your book… or will you?

– Jen Lancaster

Planning makes the book a likelier success

Most of us have seen friends go rushing into publishing because they are excited about seeing their ‘book baby’ in the world. Without the right preparation though… we won’t get good sales and reviews for our book if it has not been properly thought out and formed.

There’s also a focus in the course and writing coaching program on preparing for launch day. This is because many of the authors Jennifer talks to admit to not being ready for the marketing, media and budgeting part of publishing. This leads to either panic or procrastination!

We provide guidelines on types of editing, typical costs, and book design tips, so the new author can be fully informed. There is a book business plan template that helps you clarify the book’s angle and pitch – making it easier to write the blurb.

And, once you know exactly what to do and where to go to save time in writing and publishing a book, there’s no need to go to those American Author Solutions and goliaths. You can then publish your next book because you know a bit more about the creation and publishing process and aren’t at the mercy of profit-making subsidy publishers.

You might also approach literary agents or do pitch proposals for traditional publishing, with our emphasis on research and final manuscript quality.

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