15 Success Traits of Pro Bloggers book review

The 15 Success Traits of Pro Bloggers – Book Review

Jonathan has created an ideal ebook for those who want to formalise their blogging and build authority long term. It’s called The 15 Success Traits of Pro Bloggers, yet it could apply to any blogger or author who is building an audience.

Many of us start haphazardly, finding we enjoy writing topics, but then how do we get started with ‘branding’, getting on podcasts, adding value to readers lives, and getting over our fears and doubts? Jonathan tells us honestly what we are up for as a blogger, so that we can stop looking for the silver bullet. This long term thinking approach is what makes an authority blogger.

The Mindset of Pro Bloggers

I enjoyed the initial 27 reasons to Blog (motivation), especially as many of these enhance any book publishing activities. I particularly liked the talk on how to leverage yourself and the 12 income buckets which are available… so I can take some of his living proof examples and put them into practice!

My favourite quote of the author’s:

[ctt template=”3″ link=”bhy34″ via=”yes” ]“You are just as worthy to create health, wealth and success as any other person on earth” – J. Milligan[/ctt].

Habits of Pro Bloggers

We are introduced here to the four key traits of successful pro bloggers.

He reminded me again why offering something of value to your readership is really important, not just another boring email newsletter.

Scaling through a bigger plan and good systems is also necessary.

Connecting with other bloggers at any kind of event — definitely we need to come out from behind our PCs and join forces, but he also suggests you can be part of a mastermind for bloggers.

Systems of Pro Bloggers

Productivity and systems is a part of all solid businesses, and online content creation is no different. Jonathan talks about the importance of keeping checklists, and for some tasks that you struggle with, delegating them to a VA. Goodbye procrastination, hello process!

Another important point in this section was that pro bloggers are long-term planners, but not just for content. They also keep a financial system and have a workable marketing plan.

The Leverage of Pro Bloggers

As I was listening, I was agreeing about being a lifelong learner. As he says, listening to what your readers say is key to making the type of content that they get value from.

Trust is the last thing that you will acquire, rather than a trait I feel that it’s more something earned from others after all the hard work. Certainly Jonathan Milligan has stepped through the hard yards and earned that trust too.


Listening to this as an audiobook, it’s a bit harder because some of the tools mentioned are hard to spell. It’s a fantastic ebook for those starting out with some serious blogging input. For an overview, Jonathan gives away an image Pyramid at the book page on BloggingYourPassion.com

The ebook is only $3.15 ($4 AU) at Amazon US. Also on Audible.



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