Marketing your Book Ultimate Guide
Book Marketing

Marketing Your Book: The Ultimate Guide

‍ Why Book Marketing is Crucial for Success Writing a book is often a long labour that you’ve poured your heart and soul into, along with your trusted editor. But what good is a masterpiece if nobody knows about it? Along with planning, book marketing is the key to ensuring that your masterpiece reaches its intended audience and achieves the success it deserves. Effective book marketing and media planning are crucial, firstly because they help to generate awareness about your book. With so many books being published every day, standing…
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writing concerns are needless fears - writer
Book Writing

All your Writing Concerns are Needless Fears

Rejoining Medium.com, I found an article on How to Overcome Creative Blocks by LC Lynch, some of which hails from Elizabeth Gilbert’s Big Magic. Without fail, each was a concern I’ve either heard from book writers or ones I’ve had myself. So, let’s discuss popular writing fears and how to overcome writer’s block. Block to Creating anything 1:  I’m not talented enough or worthy Yep, had this one. It’s apparent that newer writers think our writing is bland and not really singing its special song. We fear criticism, and some clam…
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Pay to Play Book Media and Marketing
Book Marketing

Steer Clear of Pay-to-Play Book Media

Indie author, you thought you were in the clear because you chose your own editors and designers and uploaded your books and didn’t get caught in hybrid or vanity publisher fees. Or maybe you did. Either way, there are more sharks waiting for you: it’s called Pay-to-Play Media and Marketing. Pay-to-play means hiring a company or individual to ‘guarantee’ your brand a mention in a publication, for a fee. There are all kinds: paid reviews, paid upfront (higher than $99) book awards, book fair stands, video trailers, ‘blog reviews’, pay-to-play…
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Engage the world in book creation

Engage the World in Your Book Creation to Get Traction

Sometime in the 1990s I went to see a band called TISM and had a rockin’ good time. This is Serious Mum is an anonymous, energetic rock band which riffs on social themes and is quite out there. Now what the actual has this got to do with book creation, you might ask?  Three things: Suburban and urban themes, such as pointing out real hypocrisy Energy Novel ideas – no idea is too out there Bring the energy to your Category of One Now let’s bring that kind of vibe…
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benefits of organic traffic for authors

The Benefits of Organic Traffic for Authors

You may have heard of doing work to ensure better ‘organic’ traffic on Google, i.e. natural, unpaid traffic. There are certainly many benefits for book authors to capitalise on SEO for their book or author website. (Though this article is not about search engine optimisation). People will generally find your website through a combination of their remembering your author name and/or book title. An especially rare keyword might also work. Google isn’t the only source of free visitors; there is also Facebook, Instagram, YouTube and LinkedIn. However, these folk mostly…
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book creation apps review
Book Design

3 Book Creation Apps to Bring Your Writing Dream to Life

Dear Googlers, I know you’re prone to expecting a magical tool that whips up your book merely from thinking the thought “this is my idea for a book”. So let’s adjust expectations. There are a few software book creation apps but, like a Ferrari, they require a fairly good driver. Unlike a Ferrari, a couple are free, so we’ll start with those. 1. Reedsy Editor Online Tool The top online book creation tool for hobbyist self publishing authors is Reedsy Editor. I wrote a review on Reedsy already, which goes…
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how do I write a book - a guide
Book Writing

How Do I Write a Book? Your Book Writing Helper

This question underlies everything I do when creating books: how do I write a book that resonates with my market? Always think about a potential market first. Also, consider the barriers and pitfalls that may stop you. (To help you, this 1,800 word guide is written by me, Jennifer, an author, book coach and editor). Table of Contents for this Book Writing Guide How long should it take to write a book?How to come up with a good topic for a book?How to write a book when you have Dyslexia…
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author contemplating using ChatGPT
Book Writing

If You Use ChatGPT for Book Writing, a Word to the Wise

Last week I bought a Kindle book about mastering your own Public Relations. Firstly, if you use a title along those lines, you will attract people wanting to DIY their brand publicity/PR and expecting some handy tips. Let’s see where the use of ChatGPT all went wrong. There were some real entrepreneur stories of success in the eBook, and these were the ideas I wanted to be taken deeper into. When the author used some survey results, the arguments were not fleshed out. It was simply the numbers. Yet later…
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writing a book with help
Book Writing

AI and Systems to Improve Our Writing Habits

Sometimes we need a little help to make a new habit. When writing a book, the practice of “writing and researching” needs to become habitual. That’s why reminder apps are so useful. On Google Workspace Marketplace, you’ll find “Intelligent Apps”. When I saw them all, and this Calendar AI assistant, I was “mind blown”. Of Reclaim.AI, one user said, “Overall I think a lot of people dread the idea of mapping out their goals, passions and more menial time obligations, and what Reclaim can offer is the ability to take…
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planning a course

Why You Shouldn’t Create a Course Before Considering This

For those who have written a business or life advice book, you may be starting to get excited about the idea of creating a course. You could capitalise on your new concepts. You could make 10x the profit of the book itself. But slow down there, the Lone Ranger is galloping off way too fast. The thing is, when offering a higher level product like a course, we need to think about getting multiple sales leads, systematically, and promoting the course.  Before you do a mini freak-out, let’s delve into…
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businesswoman working in office with laptop
Book Editing

The Ultimate Guide to Unlocking Copy Editing Secrets for Your Book’s Success

In the crowded book market, a well-edited book can make all the difference to reader sharing and reviews. And reviews affect sales. But how do you ensure that your book receives the professional treatment it deserves? In this comprehensive guide, I delve into the essential techniques employed by top copy editors to polish manuscripts to a high standard. Whether you’re aspiring to learn to edit or are already halfway there, let’s equip you with the knowledge to elevate the quality of your book – or at least have a better…
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