share a sincere message
Book Writing, Updates

Helping Authors to Share a Sincere Message, Despite AI

In the ever-evolving publishing landscape, it’s crucial to think about the quality and authenticity of written work. The rise of AI-generated content has raised concerns about the integrity of literary publications – even those direct to KDP. However, seasoned writer Jennifer Lancaster notes that discerning book lovers are quick to spot insincere content, and it’s important to retain a heartfelt message in all literary and customer-focused publications. In response to this pressing issue, the Australian Publishing Association and the Australian Society of Authors have put out statements, while the Small Press Network wants to see defence of creators’ copyright and IP. The APA stated: “Poorly regulated AI development risks distorting the publishing value chain, and threatens to displace our creative workforce, and destroy our creative ecosystem of bookstores, literary festivals, and more.” The ASA’s position is: “We support the development…
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Jennifer Lancaster, Finalist for award in online education

Business Author Academy named as a finalist for National Awards

Jennifer Lancaster of Business Author Academy has been named as a finalist for the AusMumpreneur Awards in the Online Education category.The AusMumpreneur Awards, presented by The Women’s Business School, celebrate Australian mums in business who are achieving outstanding success in various areas, like business excellence and digital innovation. The awards are designed to recognise the growing number of women who successfully balance motherhood and business in a way that suits their life and family. From relative obscurity, Jennifer Lancaster has gradually become an Australian leader in self-publishing. Enthusiastic about sharing her knowledge, Jennifer has supported authors’ publishing goals since 2013 through her editing work and her self-publisher’s blog.Her business serves authors who have a lot to offer in terms of story and knowledge; those who need marketing suggestions, editing, and audience targeting support for the books. In fact, Jennifer has…
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person holding orange pen
Self-Publishing, Updates

News in Publishing and Book Writing

I found an interesting website for writers looking to publish with a true publisher or go in literary competitions, one that will save you ‘bags of time’. It is called DuoTrope and is free to join, with small tips for submitting to the publishers. I recommend it because the listings are all updated; they’re sifting through the wheat and chaff for you. Their book submission manager helps authors keep track of submissions, and that’s called Duosuma. When I was doing the Rabbit Hole Challenge writing day, I made a donation to QWC (Writer’s Centre). Then to my surprise, I won this bag! I only completed 1.5 hours of writing my book but it helped get me back ‘into the groove’. What things do you do to get your book writing going?A New Write – Edit – Format ToolAnother new discovery……
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a workspace with a laptop and letter board

Creating Abundance, Stepping into your True Self

Readers, I have had a revelation. Though I’m not one to sit around a circle, chanting and raising karmic vibrations, I have been tapping into abundance through a course called ‘Energetics of Money’. I believe my revelation applies to all, which is…Your success rests not on a sole focus on revenue and reward, as those adverts would have you believe, but on increasing your exchange of value and raising your personal energy/vibration to positive and generous levels.Creating abundance is done through inner work. An example of the profound results of this inner work comes from one of the ladies in the course, Christie from Dented Diva. With newfound confidence, she approached the ‘Love Your Sister’ charity about a potential partnership. Yes, they welcomed her quality earrings in their market store. She is remarkably clever with her handmade earrings. Doing good…
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arts grants explained
Self-Publishing, Updates

Does your writing benefit Australia? Arts Grants explained

Many a time we wish for money to help push our creative work forward. But did you know if you make your plan grander, for the betterment of Australia, you can access cash arts grants! Arts Grants: what are they for?An arts project funded by the Australian Arts Council has to benefit Australia in a cultural or other diverse way. You must be a citizen or permanent resident, and you have to already be an ‘arts worker’ – i.e. book writer. (Not a never published one).For example, say, a book writing project on Australian history of white man’s invasion will be beneficial to culture. This would be a high priority arts project and could potentially be granted. These types of activities can be funded:professional skills development, including mentoring and residencies (book writing mentoring included)the creation of new workpractice based researchcreative…
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launching a new edition
Book Marketing, Updates

Bravely Chipping Away for a New Edition

If writing is a blast of creativity, self-editing is like painfully clawing away the clutter. Not only that, non-fiction editing requires a good deal of fact-checking and a good memory for what’s been said before. It’s bold work to do. This week I have been revising my book, Power Marketing: An Aussie Guide to Business Growth (edition 3). And because there are so many book, statistic and website references, plus grammar checking, it needed a lot of updating. I can’t imagine what those Dummies book authors have to do…This self-editing work takes an eye for what others will think. I admitted I didn’t have that eye anymore, so I handed by draft to Terri Tonkin, a local beta reader and author. She gave me helpful feedback on some elements that were unknown to her, such as an ESP (email service…
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