
Newsletter Choices for You

You might be considering the launch of a newsletter for clients and prospects to read at their leisure. One benefit is, you can re-use any blog article we’ve written and with just a little jigging, put them into your newsletter.

Some businesses are sitting on a goldmine of client contacts, but alas do not have a method of regular, informative communication.

Format 1: Print or PDF. Our ABC newsletter is laid out in Adobe InDesign, based on a prepaid template to save time (view Newsletter ABC JULY). Compiled for the Australian Business Club, the articles are written by members for the benefit of their clients. The print copies are around $1.50 each for 4 A4s (1 A3 D/S), thanks to Redcliffe Office Supplies.

Format 2Email (HTML). Mailchimp, Aweber, et. al. make this easy by providing umpteen templates (incl. mobile) that you may put your text and header image into and send out. HTML means that you can add images and font colours, although the system will also send TEXT.

Format 3Email RSS. A RSS newsletter will actually take the feed from your blog (you need to know the feed URL) and send it once-a-month to your list. Check carefully the template surrounding the articles though, as promotional info gets quickly out of date.

Want some ideas for content?  In Andrew Griffiths’ insightful piece, he explains how different industries can put in an exciting variety of tips, advice, and practices. See Nobody Reads Newsletters Anymore




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