writing mentoring

Writing a Book Through Fears

It could be that the most interesting writing never gets read. Unless the writing was a cathartic experience and not meant to be read, it is more likely that the dusty bottom drawer holds a manuscript because its writer felt afraid, out of their depth. I know what it feels like.

When I wrote a book about the simple concepts of investing and saving, it was horrible to hear from my Aunt that I shouldn’t publish it as I wasn’t qualified in that area. The title was also something that people drew many conclusions from without reading a word of it (Sack Your Financial Planner).  Sure, this was a knock to my confidence and determination. But it bothered me so much that plenty of Australians avoid looking after their money and just hand it over to someone else, that I did it anyway.

As I sold books online, I just kept saying to myself, why not?

How is our silence going to help anyone? Because at the end of the day, most things can be researched. There really is no ‘secret’ to getting more and keeping more of your money that can be found by being in the finance industry. Here are the top 4 fears of writing a book, compiled from Jennie Nash’s book, along with my own experiences.

top fears of writing a book infographic
Keeping up Your Writing Confidence, with Three Methods

What about you? Do you have doubts about the importance of your writing? Do you feel almost unqualified?  One way to persist and write through the fears is the “I’ll just” method.  As in, “I’ll just put it out as an ebook”; “I’ll just start with my pimping my Facebook author page”.  This baby steps method gets you moving and avoids the feelings of overwhelm.

Another way to  feel better is to join a supportive group (like my free Facebook “Book Creation Success” group, or a hometown writers group). Sharing tips, asking questions and friending similar others helps me feel less alone in the process.

A further way to help you write a book (that helps business or career) is to get a writing coach/mentor. His/her job is to help you with the steps and not allow any ‘silly’ fears to stop you from launching that dream book. From talking to authors, I was often amazed to learn that the perspective of other writers contemplating publishing was fear-based, and how they needed a coach to help them through that fear of possible outcry or judgement. The world has changed and we move towards a more inclusive society.

As with all forms of art, we get judged when we put our work out to be read, but I believe the value-to-the-world end of the weighing scale usually proves far heavier than the knockers-and-judgers end.

How Can Editors Help Your Writing Confidence?

Besides book writing coaches, editors can help with a fresh perspective on how to tailor your writing for today’s readers. An editor such as myself does not judge a writer personally; we are far too busy trying to make improvements and meet reader expectations. Editors may also help with learning problem areas that are oft repeated, so the writer can improve their skill or knowledge.

They might offer project management as well, which can ease your mind. In fact, a structural editor should look at internal images, headings and design choices, and ensure that all this work is to a high standard.

I know it’s a lot to take on, to write a book, but with the right supporters on side, you can most definitely do it.

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