write a non-fiction book that gets results

How to Research a Non Fiction Book that Gets Results

Did you notice the headline is designed to get you, the intrepid writer, interested?  There is a clue here… if you write with your reader in mind, then you’re on the path to get reader reviews and shares.  New books can often meet a niche demand, but only if you research the book fully!

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Did you know that there are professional book research tools that will help you angle your next book so it’s hitting a lucrative spot in the market. How do they do this?

These online Amazon book research tools actually help authors to find the hottest-paying markets. K-lytics has labels like Hot Cells and Hot Niches. If you see these analytical reports, it’s like going into a gold mine and trying to find where the gold is lying.

new gold

The great thing about Dave Chesson (founder of Kindlepreneur) is he doesn’t stop researching what works just because he found some author success. In fact, he learnt so much from his experiments in Amazon search, he decided to build his own product for book research!

Some have asked me if I could determine hot selling categories and keywords. Like others, I could guess, but nothing beats the sheer data-crunching power like a software custom-built for Amazon research. Like Dave says, if you find that the three books already ranking at the top of a particular keyword search on Amazon DON’T make any sales, or comparatively less than others, then not many people search for it (or search and don’t buy) and it is therefore not worth choosing it as a keyword.

Hint: Amazon shows suggested keywords as you type, just like Google does.

To do this book research properly, you must use the bestseller rank calculator and put in the ‘three top books’ Amazon sales rank data into Dave’s free KBS calculator tool. Hey, wait one minute though before you go and read his blog…

If you’d like to find better categories and keywords for a serious book publishing effort, then see this page. (It takes you to where you can buy Publisher Rocket): Kindle Publisher Rocket

Make Sure You Deliver on Your New Book’s Propositions

When you research in your zone and find a hot niche, don’t forget that the most important thing is… your book must deliver!  With Amazon Kindle or with your own website, you can’t game the system; you must have the goods.

  • Excellent writing
  • Good editing
  • Good design.

Another part of this is: a good sale sign. You can’t sell a house without a for sale sign. Your blurb is where you sell the book. So never rush writing the blurb.  Having trouble?

The more you know your reader and their desires, the better your book thesis will be.

However, if you don’t know your reader, writing your initial synopsis will be a struggle, and then it will be hard to sell your book much later on.

So try picking out a niche. A niche product has a set of benefits and a clear message that resonates with its tribe.

The more specific and narrow the niche is, the more likely that your book can fill it nicely and then start to own this niche.

A video on doing comparison book research is in: Book Creation Success Course (online learning platform). We can then send you a copy of The Niche Marketing & Book Guide as a sign-up bonus.



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