make visual designs to promote books and courses
Book Marketing

Make Stunning Visual Designs to Promote Books and Courses

If you’re writing all the time, you probably won’t like this next fact too much. Visual communication/design has become so important, that without integrating the visual aspects and social media, your book publication will likely be fighting a losing battle.The ‘default’ of the average phone scroller is to ignore the boring, the mediocre, and move on. So are you ready to think about your own brand and boost it visually…? YEAH!Something to ponderAs an author, you are a brand – so what…
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best writers retreats 2023
Book Writing

Best Writers Retreats 2023 to Inspire You to Write!

If you get inspired by being around writing teachers and other writers, and you have some savings for self-development, then a writers’ retreat could be great for you. I believe writing retreats are more in the personal development bucket than calling it a return on investment. Talks, creativity or speed writing workshops are usually included. Manuscript critiques (readings) are also included in some writing retreats. Then there are hybrid book writing and walking (or music) retreats and Writers at Sea – a…
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contributing articles guide

Influential Author: A Contributing Articles Guide

In this series, I hope to give you some ideas for contributing articles to magazines and other places like major blogs, newswires or news platforms. When time is short, you must only work on what matters. So, select the magazines and sites that already have a following, one who may be interested in your work.As well, think of your friends in business who may have blogs or Instagram followings, and on top of this, add podcast guesting or local magazine columns.One way…
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Using LinkedIn as an Author with Sue Ellson

Using LinkedIn as an Author

Sue Ellson is an Aussie author who has written five books about growing your career or business in a modern way – particularly using LinkedIn. Her latest book is called ‘LinkedIn for me and my career or business‘. So let’s learn something from the LinkedIn expert.A fun fact — Sue joined LinkedIn on 21 December 2003… early days indeed!Q. I see you have Top 10 LinkedIn Techniques for Authors (see below), could you name one technique you would not go without doing before…
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Book review of lifestyle planning book
Book reviews

If Seventy is the New Fifty, When do I get to Retire? – Book Review

Book by Dennis Hall. Reviewed by Jennifer Lancaster.Let’s get this straight. For one thing I am not even close to 70… but that’s good because this book enables me to think ahead — not with dread but with some great ideas for changes. I call this is a retirement or semi-retirement lifestyle planning book.In the early chapters of this book it talks about making the most of your time, as we may well lived quite a while longer than we once expected and…
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making personal brand plain english
Personal Branding

Making a Personal Brand, in Plain English

Of late I have been navel-gazing, I mean, assessing my values and brand. I’ve also been doing a content marketing course, which prompted me to gain further understanding about what information nonfiction authors look for. Then I realised that there is no such thing as a typical author. There are many reasons to write a book and just as many reasons to build a personal brand.This branding and values exercises is valuable. It had me thinking about things like: how does my…
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