Take a Simple Drive to a Healthier Life review

Take a Simple Drive to a Healthier Life – review

We often say that we want to live a healthier life. We make all these new year’s resolutions about exercising more and losing weight and a host of other things, but how many of us really follow-through? Is it that we don’t have the information in front of us to help us on our journey? Sometimes it’s just a little nudge we need to remind us. This comes in the form of a new book, ‘Take a Simple Drive to a Healthier Life’…
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Types of Interactive eBooks

Two Types of Interactive eBooks that you can Make

You might already know there are two kinds of eBooks: Fixed Format and Reflowable. Fixed format suits grand layouts with images, whereas reflowable ebooks suits 90% of text-based books.  There are also two types of interactive ebooks:  ePub and PDF. Today I set about making an Interactive ePub from a plain fixed format, directly in InDesign. While there are many more elements to discover, I think I’ve got the hang of animations and buttons. There is a handy Adobe InDesign tutorial to learn…
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Using LinkedIn for Authors

Using LinkedIn for Authors – Challenge

This article is more of a guideline and challenge for authors who believe their LinkedIn presence could be better. Let’s call it the “7-Day Challenge to Expand and Capitalise on our LinkedIn Presence”. As I prepare this challenge, I’m giving away a “Linkedin profile walkthrough” PDF — a 25-page guide on how to improve your profile (like a written tutorial). Ironically, I’m giving this away on my Facebook page: facebook.com/selfpublishingmentor Preparations for your Profile Sprucing You won’t need a LinkedIn Premium account, but…
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How Can Video Production Work for Consultant Authors

Rather than pulling out hairs trying to get pro-level video trailers or book promotions together for your business benefit, there is a cloud video production marketplace. This online service is called 90 Seconds They allow brands (that’s you) to purchase, plan, shoot, edit and review video designed specifically for your purpose. (Note: 90 seconds is arguably the ideal ‘attention span’ for a promotional video).The global online marketplace connects brands or their agencies with video creative professionals such as videographers, directors, editors, producers, animators,…
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