Pay to Play Book Media and Marketing
Book Marketing

Steer Clear of Pay-to-Play Book Media

Indie author, you thought you were in the clear because you chose your own editors and designers and uploaded your books and didn’t get caught in hybrid or vanity publisher fees. Or maybe you did. Either way, there are more sharks waiting for you: it’s called Pay-to-Play Media and Marketing. Pay-to-play means hiring a company or individual to ‘guarantee’ your brand a mention in a publication, for a fee. There are all kinds: paid reviews, paid upfront (higher than $99) book awards, book fair stands, video trailers, ‘blog reviews’, pay-to-play…
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Engage the world in book creation

Engage the World in Your Book Creation to Get Traction

Sometime in the 1990s I went to see a band called TISM and had a rockin’ good time. This is Serious Mum is an anonymous, energetic rock band which riffs on social themes and is quite out there. Now what the actual has this got to do with book creation, you might ask?  Three things: Suburban and urban themes, such as pointing out real hypocrisy Energy Novel ideas – no idea is too out there Bring the energy to your Category of One Now let’s bring that kind of vibe…
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self-help book marketing

Self-Help and the Book Marketing Dilemma

Self-Help authors: How many times this year have you read about authoring a different type of format and followed it down a rabbit hole? Let alone considering all those different ways to promote them… Writing self-help workbooks, planners, books and creating online courses is great — but getting people to know about them can be daunting. When contemplating book marketing, you hear about Facebook advertising, Instagram reels and Group curation methods. I followed many a fast-talking marketer down a new rabbit hole. But there is a much simpler method which…
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increase author revenue and income
Book Marketing

Increasing your Author Revenue: The Basics

Are you an author struggling to get in enough royalties? Tired of working long hours for little pay? If so, read on. Here we will explore the various ways you can increase your author revenue and make a sustainable living from your passion for writing. From leveraging social media channels to building a loyal fan base with email marketing, Business Author Academy aims to provide you with the courses and strategies to boost your income as an author. I mean, someone has got to focus on this, since the book…
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contributing articles guide

Influential Author: A Contributing Articles Guide

In this series, I hope to give you some ideas for contributing articles to magazines and other places like major blogs, newswires or news platforms. When time is short, you must only work on what matters. So, select the magazines and sites that already have a following, one who may be interested in your work. As well, think of your friends in business who may have blogs or Instagram followings, and on top of this, add podcast guesting or local magazine columns. One way to manage this is to have…
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5 Ways to Use Videos to Promote Books
Book Marketing

5 Ways to Use Videos to Promote Your Books

Book promotions can be daunting. It’s an area that the authors generally avoid because they don’t know what to expect – or how to do it. Well, most newer authors might say that writing a book is way easier than promoting it. Enter videos, and the whole idea of promoting a book changes. Videos are one of the most impactful things authors can do to promote their books. Why? Because interesting videos outperform other traditional forms of book marketing. They are an…
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