How to write the dream book on topic with a writing coach
Book Writing

How You Can Write the Dream Book on Your Topic, with a Writing Coach

Many pre-retirees are looking for ways to preserve their ideas, their life experiences and business takeaways for future generations. In fact, about 15 percent of 55-year-olds want to write a book as part of their retirement ‘bucket list’ (Money magazine). However, transforming that dream into a published reality requires careful planning, dedication, and guidance. Why Work with a Writing Coach? Writing a book can be a daunting task, but working with a writing coach makes the process smoother and more structured. A book writing coach helps you refine your ideas, develop a writing schedule, and improve your storytelling. Whether you are writing a memoir, a guidebook, or a business book, expert guidance can be invaluable in overcoming writer’s block, structuring your content, and ensuring clarity in your message. Steps to Writing and Publishing Your Dream Book Step 1: Hone Your…
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Rewrite a book blurb
Book Marketing

Re-Write of a Book Blurb

Occasionally I like to re-write a book blurb because it’s leaving so much unsaid. When writing a non-fiction book blurb especially, we need to focus on the specific group of end readers and what problems they want solved. How does the material match those problems? How can their dreams be helped on track by these pearls of wisdom? Let’s see how it works in this example (re-write is below the original). ORIGINAL: “How to be a Six-Star Business” (2021) Share the stories, inspiration, and genius of 22 entrepreneurs from around the world who provide insights and action steps to go BEYOND the every day in your business. Discover the 3 pillars and 9 principles that will make your business 6 Star as you continually strive to do and be better connect your heart to your purpose and join the 6…
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book creation or writing courses compared

Two Courses Compared: Mark Dawson’s “Can You Write a Bestseller” vs. Jennifer Lancaster’s “Book Creation Self-Publish”

In the ever-expanding universe of self-publishing, aspiring authors often find themselves at a crossroads, seeking the perfect course to guide them through the intricate web of book creation, book marketing, and self-publishing. Two prominent contenders in this space are Mark Dawson’s Can You Write a Bestseller and Jennifer Lancaster’s Book Creation Self-Publish. In this comparison review, we’ll delve into the nuances of both courses to help you make an informed decision.Course Content and Structure:Led by Suzy K Quinn, the “Can You Write a Bestseller” course is modular, focusing primarily on the process of writing a bestseller. This unit places a spotlight on honing writing skills and crafting compelling narratives, key for beginning writers. However, it’s worth noting that this course might leave authors yearning for more comprehensive coverage in other crucial aspects of self-publishing and hence need to buy another…
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author contemplating using ChatGPT
Book Writing

If You Use ChatGPT for Book Writing, a Word to the Wise

Last week I bought a Kindle book about Mastering your own Public Relations. Firstly, if you use a title along those lines, you will attract people wanting to DIY their brand publicity/PR and expecting some handy tips. Using Chatbots can help with getting ideas for chapter titles because they will make the titles in a similar fashion that you can then adjust. But for words? Well, let’s see where the use of ChatGPT for writing all went wrong.There were some real entrepreneur stories of success in the eBook, and these were the ideas I wanted to be taken deeper into.When the author used some survey results, the arguments were not fleshed out. It was simply the numbers. Yet later on, a reasoning came for a different survey set. Many other pieces were quite obviously explanations and benefit lists generated by…
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Public Speaking Book Review
Book reviews

Public Speaking: A Book Review

Have you ever wanted to become better at giving a speech, webinar or keynote while quelling your nerves? Then this review of new book ‘Public Speaking: From Stage Fright to Spotlight’ will interest you. Anne McKeown is an accomplished life coach and yes, public speaker.  We first need motivation to change, so Anne provides us with this by outlining how liberating an ability to speak publicly can be. Personal growth from stepping out of your comfort zone and the power to put forward ideas (professionally) are the just rewards. It can be very gratifying when you get it right and receive positive feedback. In the second chapter of Public Speaking, Anne McKeown dives into the underlying causes of public speaking anxiety, both physical and psychological. She explains that the body’s natural ‘fight or flight’ response kicks in during public speaking,…
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questions from the prosperity book

My New Book: 20 Most-Asked Questions on Prosperity

I’m excited to share that my new book, “20 Most-Asked Questions on Prosperity” is out on 12 September!  In this book, I dive deep into the burning questions that keep many people awake at night. “Why is it so hard to charge more and how can I increase my rates?” Or, “Whenever I work, I seem to give more than I get back. How can I receive more?” Are you feeling stuck when it comes to your financial prosperity? You’re not alone. Many women (and some men) struggle with undercharging for their services and wondering why success remains elusive. My ebook, 20 Most-Asked Questions on Prosperity, tackles these common issues head-on. By blending practical psychological principles with spiritual wisdom, it offers fresh insights to help you shift your mindset. “Luck” is given too much credence. So it was fun to…
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