What is Redrafting
Book Editing, Book Writing

What is Redrafting and Why does it Matter?

So, you’ve pumped out the first draft of your nonfiction or creative nonfiction book. Sweat, tears and research done. Now what? Well, this where the real work begins. Lee Kofman calls this redrafting work ‘layering’, as different edit rounds build towards the final masterpiece. With my book coaching program, I do the fun work of looking at structure and voice, and prompting the writer to fill in all the things that a reader won’t know about. If they’re telling a story which ends suddenly and I feel dissatisfied, I know the writer needs to add more detail and thoughts. Kofman also says, “It is imperative to take off the blinkers … and turn searingly honest about the quality of our work”. (You can read her writer’s blog at LeeKofman.com.au). After all, it is only through years of writing, comparative reading,…
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share a sincere message
Book Writing, Updates

Helping Authors to Share a Sincere Message, Despite AI

In the ever-evolving publishing landscape, it’s crucial to think about the quality and authenticity of written work. The rise of AI-generated content has raised concerns about the integrity of literary publications – even those direct to KDP. However, seasoned writer Jennifer Lancaster notes that discerning book lovers are quick to spot insincere content, and it’s important to retain a heartfelt message in all literary and customer-focused publications. In response to this pressing issue, the Australian Publishing Association and the Australian Society of Authors have put out statements, while the Small Press Network wants to see defence of creators’ copyright and IP. The APA stated: “Poorly regulated AI development risks distorting the publishing value chain, and threatens to displace our creative workforce, and destroy our creative ecosystem of bookstores, literary festivals, and more.” The ASA’s position is: “We support the development…
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writers who are writing coaches
Book Writing

Everybody wants Inspiration to Write, Nobody wants Perspiration

There seems to be many myths surrounding writing a book (or a paper, for that matter). Most of these centre on the idea of ‘the muse’ and waiting for inspiration to strike. We mess about all day, thinking we’re adding to our work by reading a bunch of articles, going on Quora, and then immediately forgetting what was found. I don’t want you to be that person. The one thing you might want to stop to read is a book I found years ago. It’s called ‘55 Essential Strategies for Every Writer’ by Roy Peter Clarke. In the preface, it says: “These practical tools will help to dispel your writing inhibitions, making the craft central to the way you see the world. As you add tools to your workbench, you’ll begin to see the world as a storehouse of writing ideas.…
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writing concerns are needless fears - writer
Book Writing

All your Writing Concerns are Needless Fears

Rejoining Medium.com, I found an article on How to Overcome Creative Blocks by LC Lynch, some of which hails from Elizabeth Gilbert’s Big Magic. Without fail, each was a concern I’ve either heard from book writers or ones I’ve had myself. So, let’s discuss popular writing fears and how to overcome writer’s block. Block to Creating anything 1:  I’m not talented enough or worthy Yep, had this one. It’s apparent that newer writers think our writing is bland and not really singing its special song. We fear criticism, and some clam up if an early reader is too harsh. But with practice, training tips and positive editing suggestions, our writing gets better. We gradually realise our writing is worthy of being read. Block to Creating a Book 2: I have many ideas, but nothing earth-shattering As LC Lynch writes, “If you…
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writing a book with help
Book Writing

AI and Systems to Improve Our Writing Habits

Sometimes we need a little help to make a new habit. When writing a book, the practice of “writing and researching” needs to become habitual. That’s why reminder apps are so useful.On Google Workspace Marketplace, you’ll find “Intelligent Apps”. When I saw them all, and this Calendar AI assistant, I was “mind blown”.Of Reclaim.AI, one user said, “Overall I think a lot of people dread the idea of mapping out their goals, passions and more menial time obligations, and what Reclaim can offer is the ability to take the guess-work out of when to DECIDE to do something.”To write a whole book, you need to keep reminding yourself for about the first four weeks to keep up the writing. Using Google Calendar and time blocking (or Reclaim), you can remind yourself to write at a particular time. I suggest about…
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what kind of format to use for thought leadership

Which Kind of Format Will You Make – a Book, a Podcast, a Magazine, or an eBook?

If you’re looking at several choices to enhance your personal brand presence or generate leads or similar, then this article goes through the most popular ways to expand one’s thought leadership.The biggie: Do I write a paperback book?If writing is your preferred mode of communication—or you want it to be—then writing a full book could be your top choice.Tacked on my wall in 2002 was a tatty piece of paper with my goal written: “Write a book”. Sure, I had written many essays, but a book was a higher mountain to climb than that. I did not have a clue about it and only wrote a ‘booklet’, however… small steps lead to big goals.The mistakes I made earlier on, such as never writing an outline, help to inform my advice now as a book writing coach. Even doing a mind…
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