What is Redrafting and Why does it Matter?
So, you’ve pumped out the first draft of your nonfiction or creative nonfiction book. Sweat, tears and research done. Now what? Well, this where the real work begins. Lee Kofman calls this redrafting work ‘layering’, as different edit rounds build towards the final masterpiece. With my book coaching program, I do the fun work of looking at structure and voice, and prompting the writer to fill in all the things that a reader won’t know about. If they’re telling a story which ends suddenly and I feel dissatisfied, I know the writer needs to add more detail and thoughts. Kofman also says, “It is imperative to take off the blinkers … and turn searingly honest about the quality of our work”. (You can read her writer’s blog at LeeKofman.com.au). After all, it is only through years of writing, comparative reading,…
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