Brand Hub at Canva

Selling Personal Branding to a Sceptic

I often imagine a sceptical consultant, leaning on his metaphorical shovel, and asking, “I’ve already got a brand, why do I need a personal brand too?” The latest book, out soon, My Personal Brand covers much of this reasoning in detail, so here are the crib notes. (Incidentally, ‘sceptic’ is spelled with a ‘c’ in British English.) Click to view. Get 5 Tips to Get Unstuck as a Thought Leader – in printable format. A Personal Brand will carry more trust.  While companies can build up trust in their brand over…
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Using LinkedIn as an Author with Sue Ellson

Using LinkedIn as an Author

Sue Ellson is an Aussie author who has written five books about growing your career or business in a modern way – particularly using LinkedIn. Her latest book is called ‘LinkedIn for me and my career or business‘. So let’s learn something from the LinkedIn expert. A fun fact — Sue joined LinkedIn on 21 December 2003… early days indeed! Q. I see you have Top 10 LinkedIn Techniques for Authors (see below), could you name one technique you would not go without doing before a big launch, and why? I…
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making personal brand plain english
Personal Branding

Making a Personal Brand, in Plain English

Of late I have been navel-gazing, I mean, assessing my values and brand. I’ve also been doing a content marketing course, which prompted me to gain further understanding about what information nonfiction authors look for. Then I realised that there is no such thing as a typical author. There are many reasons to write a book and just as many reasons to build a personal brand. This branding and values exercises is valuable. It had me thinking about things like: how does my personal brand portray me? How can someone…
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healthy city road people
Blogging Strategy

Starting a Blog from Scratch

If you want to know how to start a blog from scratch and build up so your books and authorship can become well-known, then start with your strategic plan. It will help a lot over the coming months and years. Here are some lessons I learned, along with some thought leaders’ lessons, like Ali Abdaal, who is more on the YouTube side of things.
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author brand cheat sheet

Author Brand Cheat Sheet

If you’re lagging in social media followers and personal brand style, then you’ll want to read these cheat sheet tips for author brand strategy. While others specialise in marketing books, I prefer to focus on helping authors market themselves first. But why? This focus puts the author in the best place to then sell books, with simple tactics like emails to their list or a series of content posts. The trouble I had with launching earlier books was I had no platform. First steps were a simple blog site and…
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