24 hours to improve your personal brand

24 Hours to Improve Your Personal Brand for Business Reasons

Say you’ve got 24 hours before a big potential client Googles your name, your brand. You’re faced with the frightening prospect of having nothing unique to say — and no idea how to project a solid ‘professional you’… without losing the ‘personal you’. This is where personal branding for business reasons comes in. Leading with your personal brand first starts off a little uncomfortable, but it is soon rewarding.My author blog became a testing ground for ‘personal brand’ style marketing because of…
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book publishing support

Writing a Book Blurb, with Examples

Sometimes we authors write our own book blurb, and we tell all about the book’s contents but we don’t sell it. With examples, learn how to write a book blurb without crying anguished tears. History book blurb exampleTwo Rivers Run is the tale of the first European to settle in Gippsland, a vast and diverse region that has become the economic powerhouse of Victoria. Not far from the spreading development of Melbourne and Port Philip Bay, Western Port retains a place for…
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Brand Hub at Canva

Selling Personal Branding to a Sceptic

I often imagine a sceptical consultant, leaning on his metaphorical shovel, and asking, “I’ve already got a brand, why do I need a personal brand too?” The latest book, out soon, My Personal Brand covers much of this reasoning in detail, so here are the crib notes. (Incidentally, ‘sceptic’ is spelled with a ‘c’ in British English.) Click to view.Get 5 Tips to Get Unstuck as a Thought Leader – in printable format.A Personal Brand will carry more trust. While companies can build up…
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Get unstuck in thought leadership

­­­­­­­­­­­5 Tips to Get Unstuck in Your Thought Leader (Author) Journey

I’m going to talk today about five tips to getting unstuck in your thought leader journey, and also mention a summit I’ve got coming up.Tip one is to invest in your training so that you can get further, faster. (Obviously, this relates to doing a virtual summit). Because if you don’t invest in your training in some way, even if it’s a free day, you won’t be able to get to your goals fast enough. It will take ages and it will…
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planning a course
Book Writing, Self-Publishing

How Authors Can Save Time in Writing

Those who wish to write a book to help their career or business often find it very difficult to get into flow with their book writing.The main problem is, when the person finally sits down to write, they don’t know exactly what to work on. So, the writer spends 20 minutes or so trying to work out what should go next. Does this sound familiar?I, Jennifer, teach book writers a better method to apply. The process involves finding an angle from a…
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Book Writing

Finding a Niche and the Myth of Creation

An email from Thrive Themes this morning reminded me of the worries that writers have about choosing the right topic for their first book. We tend to either think that topic is going to be ‘over-saturated’ – every other educator with a keyboard has a book on it – or we believe that our ideas are somehow less important than someone else’s. I call this last issue ‘the myth of creation’. If you’ve ever thought, “who am I to be writing on…..”,…
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