planning a course
Book Writing, Self-Publishing

How Authors Can Save Time in Writing

Those who wish to write a book to help their career or business often find it very difficult to get into flow with their book writing.The main problem is, when the person finally sits down to write, they don’t know exactly what to work on. So, the writer spends 20 minutes or so trying to work out what should go next. Does this sound familiar?I, Jennifer, teach book writers a better method to apply. The process involves finding an angle from a…
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Book Writing

Finding a Niche and the Myth of Creation

An email from Thrive Themes this morning reminded me of the worries that writers have about choosing the right topic for their first book. We tend to either think that topic is going to be ‘over-saturated’ – every other educator with a keyboard has a book on it – or we believe that our ideas are somehow less important than someone else’s. I call this last issue ‘the myth of creation’. If you’ve ever thought, “who am I to be writing on…..”,…
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Make someday goals now

Making ‘Someday’ Goals Part of Now!

Are you procrastinating on your biggest dreams, like that of writing a book, making excuses for yourself that you’re too busy… too tired… have too much ‘stuff’ to do?“There is never going to be a good enough time or a ‘some day’ where you have ‘enough time’”, says Andy Monks. Someday starts now.In any month, you may give 90 hours to your family and keeping the house, 795 hours or so to your work (clients/boss), and a few hours for school, church…
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best writers retreats 2023
Book Writing

Best Writers Retreats 2023 to Inspire You to Write!

If you get inspired by being around writing teachers and other writers, and you have some savings for self-development, then a writers’ retreat could be great for you. I believe writing retreats are more in the personal development bucket than calling it a return on investment. Talks, creativity or speed writing workshops are usually included. Manuscript critiques (readings) are also included in some writing retreats. Then there are hybrid book writing and walking (or music) retreats and Writers at Sea – a…
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writing book types
Book Writing

How to Choose the Type of Book to Write

Do you have the desire to create and share your ideas but not the know-how of writing a book?  Take a peek over my shoulder as I step through the process of choosing a type (or model) of book to write.Starting outThere are already millions of books published and available on Amazon, so here is a question: what is the one thing that none of them already have?Answer:  Your experience and your writer’s voice.Types of Books: Choosing the Best ModelBreaking down complex…
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photo of assorted letter board quote hanged on wall
Book Writing

Don’t Get Sued After Writing a Book

It’s book writing season – well, the impending Christmas holidays seems to jiggle us along – and it’s time to put our creative hats on.Inevitably, some amateur writers will attempt to help their book creation along with some ‘extra pieces’ from others, thus unknowingly break the law. So here we cover the basics of “how to not get sued while writing a book”. (Disclaimer: I am not a lawyer and all of this is not admissible in court!).Last week I won a…
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