keep positive

How do you keep Positive when all your Income Streams turn to Custard…?

My dear bloglings, I am so qualified to write this post that it’s not even funny! Circa 2008 – 2010 was tough, tough, tough. Going backwards is never fun. Positive thinking is lambasted, but what I write about is positive psychology and ideas to keep you motivated. I know we’re all trying to put on a brave and successful public face, but at times do you feel like you’re one key client account away from closing shop… or are you royally pissed…
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THW Global – another work at home scam

Dear readers, today I am among the tens of millions of gullible online workers around the world. Welcome to THW Global, paid video viewing (‘a reverse of Youtube’) – where “apparently” you can make up to $25 an hour (who knows what currency) and recruit others and make even more money (20% extra for the first level). In some parts the rambling made sense, although the use of ‘up to $25 an hour’ is a bit cagey…. but they failed to convince when…
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Suncoast Financial logo

What Can We Learn from a Ponzi Scheme?

Recently a news story caught my eye – its real life plot truly ‘stranger than fiction’. A dead man’s body washed up on a Sunshine Coast beach. A tale told of a $100-million-dollar investment ‘Ponzi scheme’ – but hardly a trace of money has been found, apart from $1 million worth of US property and $91K cash. The “trading syndicate” invested in shares, real estate and commodities, and aimed to achieve returns of 24% a year. The fund manager had no Financial…
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Family Finances Not a Cause for Fury

When I think about my family finances, I do not get caught up in the emotional traps that others seem to. Perhaps because I believe that managing money has, at its base, simple accounting and mathematic principles. If you can understand what the words “income” and “expenses” mean, then you can probably manage a budget, if you don’t let emotions get the best of you. Some simply look at their income and unwittingly imagine that their entire salary is theirs to spend.…
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How Easy it is to Get Scammed by Home Worker Offers

This morning I clicked on a pleasant-looking ad for working from home, claiming you can make $65 an hour without selling. It took me to a sales page for Online Wealth Markets trading, listing huge payout details in the thousands and ‘real user’ comments. It had a clever little ‘phone-shaped’ opt-in form to take credit card details and $5 ($7 Aus). Even though all the warning signs were there, I thought “let’s follow this white rabbit and see where it goes”.  It…
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