Writing Habits with AI
Book Writing

How to Write and Sell Books to Enhance your Business

Hey Service Provider, would you like to learn how to write and sell information products (including print books, eBooks, video courses, etc) that bring you in royalty income? Sounds good? Before you choose a format (book, CD, video etc), you will have to think about two things: 1) Your intended audience’s media format access. No point sending a CD to people who only own a graphics tablet; they may be able to play it in their car but not their computer. Do executives still read print books or do they mainly download eBooks nowadays? You will have to do your research and go for the likeliest media that is easy to access. 2) The word length or data space. Preview Robert Bly’s book below. On page 45 there is a handy table with Word Length of Different Information Products. It…
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personal branding ideas

How to Capitalise on a New Brand You? Publish!

Hundreds of people went to the ‘Key Person of Influence’ conferences, and read the book. This marked a huge trend towards ‘becoming a visible expert in your niche’. A seminar and some scribbled notes is just the start… now for the real work of brand | pitch | publicise | publish.  So how do we embrace personal branding by publishing a book?Like me, you’ve probably been servicing clients and learning your trade for many years. Perhaps the reason you started this ‘expert’ journey is you wanted to stand out among competitors who do not have the same depth of knowledge or helpful experience.Yet to continue the journey towards an effective Brand You… and a book as a calling card… takes even more dedication than usual. Some of us excuse our inactivity because we’re busy, while others realise that you cannot buy CREDIBILITY, you have…
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Writing Habits with AI
Book Writing

Find Out All About Writing a Book

Perhaps you think you know how to start to write a book… just open a word processing program and then start typing up your thoughts and notes. You can always do the rest later, right? Well, did you know that before you write any non-fiction book, you’d be best to create an Outline? And that Microsoft Word comes with an Outline tool? (An outline helps organise your thoughts into chapters and subheadings).  This is just one of the things that you learn when you read Guy Kawasaki’s 2012 book: APE: Author, Publisher, Entrepreneur. While everything that Guy pronounces for authors is not the gospel, a lot of the advice in APE is going to be practical and useful in your journey to learning about writing and self-publishing for entrepreneurs. I think a lot of problems in self-publishing crop up when…
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