author contemplating using ChatGPT
Book Writing

If You Use ChatGPT for Book Writing, a Word to the Wise

Last week I bought a Kindle book about Mastering your own Public Relations. Firstly, if you use a title along those lines, you will attract people wanting to DIY their brand publicity/PR and expecting some handy tips. Using Chatbots can help with getting ideas for chapter titles because they will make the titles in a similar fashion that you can then adjust. But for words? Well, let’s see where the use of ChatGPT for writing all went wrong.There were some real entrepreneur stories of success in the eBook, and these were the ideas I wanted to be taken deeper into.When the author used some survey results, the arguments were not fleshed out. It was simply the numbers. Yet later on, a reasoning came for a different survey set. Many other pieces were quite obviously explanations and benefit lists generated by…
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positive mindset for writers
Book Writing

The Key to a Positive Mindset for Writers

Today’s post is a little different. I want to talk about cultivating the right mindset, as fear and inaction affects book writers. In my forthcoming book ‘20 Most-Asked Questions on Prosperity’, I give readers some positive framework examples and ideas to re-set their ways of thinking. To get back on track to my own goals, I talk about my use of a ‘letting go’ approach. Prior to this, I felt stuck. But why let go of grudges, frustration and fear? Because it helps you handle stressful events and to implement a positive writer’s mindset. Writes Richard Maloney: The key to being Stress-Free and thriving under pressure, is through continual self-awareness and self-regulation. It’s about recognizing your thoughts and actively changing them where necessary.” ‘Stress Free’ – Supporting the feelings of writers It can be difficult to uncover the fears…
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writers who are writing coaches
Book Writing

Everybody wants Inspiration to Write, Nobody wants Perspiration

There seems to be many myths surrounding writing a book (or a paper, for that matter). Most of these centre on the idea of ‘the muse’ and waiting for inspiration to strike. We mess about all day, thinking we’re adding to our work by reading a bunch of articles, going on Quora, and then immediately forgetting what was found. I don’t want you to be that person. The one thing you might want to stop to read is a book I found years ago. It’s called ‘55 Essential Strategies for Every Writer’ by Roy Peter Clarke. In the preface, it says: “These practical tools will help to dispel your writing inhibitions, making the craft central to the way you see the world. As you add tools to your workbench, you’ll begin to see the world as a storehouse of writing ideas.…
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writing a book with help
Book Writing

AI and Systems to Improve Our Writing Habits

Sometimes we need a little help to make a new habit. When writing a book, the practice of “writing and researching” needs to become habitual. That’s why reminder apps are so useful.On Google Workspace Marketplace, you’ll find “Intelligent Apps”. When I saw them all, and this Calendar AI assistant, I was “mind blown”.Of Reclaim.AI, one user said, “Overall I think a lot of people dread the idea of mapping out their goals, passions and more menial time obligations, and what Reclaim can offer is the ability to take the guess-work out of when to DECIDE to do something.”To write a whole book, you need to keep reminding yourself for about the first four weeks to keep up the writing. Using Google Calendar and time blocking (or Reclaim), you can remind yourself to write at a particular time. I suggest about…
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businesswoman working in office with laptop
Book Editing

The Ultimate Guide to Unlocking Copy Editing Secrets for Your Book’s Success

In the crowded book market, a well-edited book can make all the difference to reader sharing and reviews. And reviews affect sales. But how do you ensure that your book receives the professional treatment it deserves? In this comprehensive guide, I delve into the essential techniques employed by top copy editors to polish manuscripts to a high standard.Whether you’re aspiring to learn to edit or are already halfway there, let’s equip you with the knowledge to elevate the quality of your book – or at least have a better rough draft to give to the expert. Here you’ll learn a few common writing mistakes, some tips for using Word’s features, and what book editors really do.Get ready to unleash the true potential of your book – with the power of good editing.Understanding the role of a copy editorCopy editing plays…
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what kind of format to use for thought leadership

Which Kind of Format Will You Make – a Book, a Podcast, a Magazine, or an eBook?

If you’re looking at several choices to enhance your personal brand presence or generate leads or similar, then this article goes through the most popular ways to expand one’s thought leadership.The biggie: Do I write a paperback book?If writing is your preferred mode of communication—or you want it to be—then writing a full book could be your top choice.Tacked on my wall in 2002 was a tatty piece of paper with my goal written: “Write a book”. Sure, I had written many essays, but a book was a higher mountain to climb than that. I did not have a clue about it and only wrote a ‘booklet’, however… small steps lead to big goals.The mistakes I made earlier on, such as never writing an outline, help to inform my advice now as a book writing coach. Even doing a mind…
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