creativity creative side
Book Writing, Updates

Sharing Your Creative Side

Part of the Creative Ways with Money philosophy is knowing your own strengths, skills and resources and then finding creative new ways to share them with others. In the book, we do this through finding our life’s purpose (our Ikigai), knowing what’s real and what’s not, and applying our strengths to business or online income streams. It seems everything is changing at the moment and many of us can’t figure out what to do with our time. Remember that we don’t just…
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how to use Instagram and Twitter Hashtags

How to Use Insta and Twitter Hashtags for Authors

Learning Instagram and Twitter for authors? In making a new account for Business Author Academy, I came across some helpful information, which I’d like to share with you. Apparently, you can use up to 30 hashtags on Instagram posts and 10 hashtags on an Insta Story. Thinking that would be hard and admitting to sheer laziness, I was glad when someone emailed me this automated tool (87% safe rating on scamadvisor): https://Autogramtags.com What’s an Instagram Story? It’s a visual spectacle of 15…
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Self-Publishing News and Surveys Dec 2013

I’m doing a wrap-up of November/December publishing news and research pertinent to the Self-Publisher. Much of this helpful info (and more) will also be tweeted – so please do follow me on Twitter —> Bowker Ranks SmashWords the #1 Producer of Indie Books SmashWords publishes only self-published eBooks. You can see by this US-based 2013 report, the explosion in numbers of self-published titles since 2007. How do Super-Successful Indie Authors Do It? Don’t believe what Joanna says, the woman has sold like…
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