how to kick bad spending habits book cover
Editions:ePub - 2nd Edition: $ 2.99
ISBN: 9781386468202
Pages: 48

Published in 2006, How to Kick Bad Spending Habits - and save for what you really want, proved perennially popular!

Do you want to stop the poor spending habits you've picked up, and start saving for your future? This compact book is written for consumers who want to get ahead but can't win the battle of the wallet. Now you can... without sacrifice!

* Discover why you buy... you may be surprised.

* A formula to assess a real bargain

* The Replacement or Reward strategy

* Different ways to re-balance your family life

* How to save on car depreciation and fuel costs

* Saving, budgeting and investing advice, and

* Hundreds of money-saving tips.

Bonus: Free Family Financial Planning form, where you create your own plan.

Publisher: Power of Words


Click Frenzy...

Black Friday...

Boxing Day Sales...

Keeping out of debt is harder than ever these days, with promotions and credit offers encouraging us to shop, shop, shop. But if we understand the underlying reasons why we shop and become aware of our buying behaviour, we are at least halfway to curbing our over-spending habits.

The next step is to replace our indulgences cheaply, and save funds for the future, investing wisely.

You may think you need the willpower and discipline of a Yoga Swami to change spending and saving habits, but I will show you simple ways to change.  Part I explains the tricks retailers use and lets you examine how your thinking influences your spending.

Part II outlines how you can change your habits; you are not just a consumer, but also a member of the community. Part III contains practical savings advice, comparisons and investing tips.


This condensed book is written “straight up” with no pussy-footing around. As your everyday recovering shopping addict, I understand modern pressures. It’s tough, but we’ve got to readjust our priorities if we want to be happy and financially secure in the future.

I am writing for the vast majority who overspend now and then. Those who think that their shopping is causing serious debt and relationship problems, please seek help from a qualified Counsellor.

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