
Here’s where Self-Help, How-To and Memoir Authors are going wrong…

Novice writers are so worried about the 'how to' of book publishing, they forget about matching an idea to an audience’s particular needs and problems.

Why do you need a book angle and hook more than you need your daily tea or coffee?

You need a new book angle that makes your book stand out – because every year there are 2 million books self-published, globally! That’s not including Random House, with 85,000 titles, or the other big publishers.

Ensuring the right angle also ensures the right client or brand sponsorship attraction.

Writing a helpful book doesn’t have to be so confusing. Publishing a ‘signature’ book with a clear message can bring in new client conversations. Experienced in planning, writing, and editing of non-fiction books, Jennifer’s own service can guide your business or self-help book project.

There are generally three kinds of people we help:

  1. A leader or retired CEO who is writing their life story/business lessons – usually needing our Leader Life Story editing support, with or without the publishing support.
  2. A novice writer who is writing a self-development or similar book.
  3. A retiring specialist who is writing a how-to book (usually editing only).

Unique Services

Within mentoring, Jennifer may advise on websites, eBook technology, Print on Demand suppliers, selling options, launch timelines, and book cost calculations.

Jennifer aims to meet and exceed client needs. This means:

  • Updated resources for the author (access to training: Book Creation Self-Publish course)
  • Checking that you understand my comments or if you have questions, you get the answers
  • There is care and an attention to detail
  • There when you need more resources… access to advice, recommendations of services and spending allocation.
A Blog Writer and Content Editor at Demo Day

Editing Support Services

Our Line editing service is a thorough line-by-line edit of a book’s language. We edit for flow, not just for good grammar, and include comments on why major changes are suggested. That’s why it costs a little more.

Cost will range from 4 to 5 cents a word, quoted on viewing of your outline and chapter sample. A sample edit is often available for long works, so you can see the type of editing we perform.

The first step if your book has many disparate parts, a Developmental editing review involves looking at your manuscript, asking your objectives, and making comments to see if we can get that book to align with your ideal audience’s interests. There will be a report, a personal advisory session, and if you’re willing, those red lines with our on-manuscript suggestions!

Really knowing your target audience and where you can sell the book will help guide your next decisions.


Send in your questions by email or book in a needs and options call at a suitable time to discuss your options, DIY or Done with you and what type of support.

You will receive a Service Agreement, to ensure you know what you are receiving and for what cost before you agree and a deposit is paid.

Some Client Reviews

 “Thanks for the manuscript, the Bibliography looks great, you have done a magnificent job.  In terms of time you spent on the drafts, it was in my opinion, value for money.  I can’t think how you could have achieved a better result.  You were willing to take on work from someone with an appalling grasp of the fundamentals of English grammar, someone who frequently strayed from the subject at hand, someone who didn’t understand the publishing process, basically someone who needed a lot of guidance.  You did all that and more in good humour and spirits, thank you, it has been an honour to work with you.”

Tony Hughes

 “I took time selecting the best editor for my book, Joyful Eating. Jennifer’s editing style stood out from other example edits I received. She really understood who the book was for and her editing style reflected this. Jennifer made edits that not only ensured my work was grammatically correct; she edited in a way that ensured that the book was engaging while maintaining my voice throughout.

The process of editing was seamless, and I am delighted with the final draft and feel my book is far more readable. I would not hesitate to engage her services for any future writing projects. Thanks, Jennifer!”

Tansy Boggon

 “We highly recommend the services of Jennifer Lancaster of Power of Words. She offers value for money and excellent design and technical support. We needed a fairly technical environment policy manuscript finessed into contents-and-cover files suitable for upload to print-on-demand. Through the many iterations of this task, we found Jennifer to be highly responsive and professional.With Jennifer as our colleague, we got a great design at a reasonable price, assistance was on hand for the upload, and we were pleased with the crisp appearance of the resulting print title. Thank you, Jennifer.”

Stephen Saunders & Kathleen Mackie