
More Author Revenue

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Author Income Course

23 Lessons

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For us indie authors, the odds are stacked against us - it's a very competitive marketplace.

The problem with not selling enough of your book/s is not just monetary either – the other problem is the legacy you want to leave in the world is not happening.

If you’re out of ideas for marketing, I think you’ll enjoy my 20-Day Course ‘More Author Revenue’. For authors who can’t believe how low their royalties are. Or for podcasters who want to aim for a professional revenue stream.

Non-fiction authors can zip through this 20-day feast of new ideas and homework prompts. Hopefully, even those who haven’t written a book yet will also be interested in earning more revenue from writing. 

I’ve written five books (how-to, self-development, personal finance) and created one course. For this series, I’ve done major brainstorming from my learning (and some barnstorming too) to bring you the freshest set of Marketing and Revenue-generating ideas.

The course will drop every day, but don’t worry, you don’t have to show up daily. It’s optional.

More Author Revenue

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A little help on how to move through the course.

Video lesson

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Introduction to the course. The two activities of a writer. Royalties. Where are you currently monetizing? See the Monetization template (in Word docx) to get ideas for your own creative revenue streams.

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Understand that you are not the only one who is being bombarded with marketing tactics. Homework: see separate video and cheat sheet.

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This is about the mindset of remembering that sales is important, and that if we advertise, we must know our expected return on ad spend and find our gross profit.

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We learn in this lesson that our expectations, our mindset, and three other things can heavily influence our writing career.I also share with you the breakdown of Australian authors' surveyed income per year, which is astounding.

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Here we talk about why not to rely on Amazon and Ingram, using a Model approach, and 3 ways to utilise any book for leverage.There is a homework task, of creating a YouTube Channel Art. See my separate instruction for this.

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A brief lesson on how to get cracking with an outline, including next, the Cheat Sheet.

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Here is the writer's block and outlining cheat sheet in PDF form. Let me know if this is useless for you and I can give access to the original Canva file.

Text lesson

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There are few reasons for creating a low priced course - check out the pitfalls

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What to expect in terms of hours to make a course, what you can charge when it combines training and sessions. Plus, more about a Book Funnel Strategy.

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What kind of book launches could you do? Who will be interested in the topic? Offering exclusive incentives for early birds. Pre-launch activities needed. Budget.

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What makes a cover stand out? Legibility and clarity. Lending a hand to ebook designers. You can also design appealing content for your book.

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It's time to boost your book sales, with early bird promotions, email list marketing, and incentives.

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All about building your author platform online, why just one web page can help you build your list, using LinkedIn, using the right tool instead of building from scratch.

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Why not rely on Kindle sales? What could stop you from creating a course? Why you should use a URL to a lead freebie in your book.

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Why is Social Media like a game? All about the various social media outlets. Personal branding - see the Resource.

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We get into the pros and cons of online courses versus memberships (or adding new books). I've got experience in both forms of community training.

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Find a way to turn readers into customers! Start with easy steps like a lead magnet before adding harder products to make. How much time is involved in creating a course program? What are the benefits of running a program? Other ideas for paid subscription platforms.

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Key questions to ask when choosing an online course hosting platform are: Does this platform support all media formats (e.g. video, audio, images, text, PDF download resources)? Will I need to pay a % of all payments received? Is this platform’s user interface easy for me and my students to navigate? Does this hosting platform offer customization tools like the ability to add my own branding and custom domain name? Does this platform have built-in reporting features to use to monitor my students’ progress? What about a certificate of completion for students, a chance for them to review the course and offer the student a new course? Does this platform offer a variety of payment options to make it easy for students to pay for my course? Can I easily integrate other tools (e.g. email marketing service, analytics tool, automation tool) with this platform?

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Take an audience-first approach by reading widely. Are you embracing the AI future? Have you noticed the coaches creating courses online... and what about your plans? Using your time online wisely.

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Simple explanation of what the steps are of creating lead magnets and email opt-ins, then the thank you page and tips for this.

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We delve into successful course creators and what process that one author used to test the course first, before launch. List of course creators and a podcast listen to check out.

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Let's talk about what is needed in course creation, the two main options for platforms, and all about the Book Funnel Flow program. Support will be included too.

Video lesson


About the teacher


Jennifer has supported authors’ publishing goals since 2013 through her editing work. Her business serves authors who are in business or who were professionals, those who need writing guidance, editing and audience-targeting support. At 30 years of age, Jennifer Lancaster did a communications degree. Marketing and writing passions lent themselves to becoming a copywriter and book author on several topics that empower people’s growth.

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