
Book Creation Self-Publish

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Book Creation Self- Publishing

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Book Creation Self-Publish

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Thanks for joining this course to help you understand the basics of writing a book and self-publishing it.

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I’d like to give some balance to the self-publishing argument as you read so many positive stories online.We’ll cover the pros and cons of self-publishing in regards to production, then administration, marketing & selling, and also publicity. So you can decide whether it’s worthwhile pursuing this yourself – or getting some paid or part-paid publisher support.

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The purpose of writing your book.

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Some motivational and practical reasons to do this big writing task.

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Learn the costs of production and benefits of using freelancers

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Tips on outlining your book to save time when writing!

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"A theme can organize and unite separate narrative strands" - Reedsy Meaning, it can help an author gather different stories to make up one theme that was perhaps not that obvious in each one. 

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Find out about the type of book models you can write.

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Finding the right concept takes some research and contemplation. Using my proven techniques, go right ahead with a day's research.

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This writing method advice is more for researched non-fiction books (How to) but could apply to some in-depth memoirs, biographies or creative books. 

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There are three publishing-specific funding platforms to choose from, plus hundreds more general funding platforms: • Ink shares - they have imprints and occasionally hold contests. 750 pre-orders the minimum to win production, editing and publishing. Doesn't seem very good. • Unbound - seems to display more serious contenders - UK, US or Euro dollars. Authors page.  • Publishizer - a 'virtual' literary agent for popular book ideas. 30% cut of fundings in the pre-order stage. Once you've pitched the book idea with luck, the acquiring editor will guide through the Project posting stage. Then you start marketing and your network or readers who love the idea will jump on board and get a 'deal', like a hardback and their name in the book. The platform takes the payments, but the publisher or you fulfils the purchase.

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Steps to producing a paperback book as a self publishing author.

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View my process for uploading a cover to KDP and remind yourself why to hire a designer.

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Find out the editing types and their typical charges

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Briefing your book designer or choosing a book layout program

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Answers to your common book production questions.

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Compare printer vs print on demand charges with our video

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Working out Amazon Royalty Calculator for this: https://kdp.amazon.com/en_US/help/topic/GSQF43YAMUPFTMSPIngramSpark Paperback Royalty Breakdown Compensation Calculator is here: https://www.ingramspark.com/resources/tools An IngramSpark compensation report shows the 55:45% split in reality for a book that is priced at $23.50. You can see $10.78 is the royalty before print cost.    Note the total printing cost is $5.83 for a 150-page black & white interior book, and what is received is $4.95 per sale.

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Kindle Select choices

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What to do when you come to the KDP box on the Pricing Page.

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A tutorial on press printing or print on demand

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Claim a tax discount for AU & NZ

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How to add data to your ISBN identifying numbers.

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Tutorial on setting up book title.

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Approve the Proof

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Draft2Digital is an ebook aggregator - which means they distribute an ebook to other places, like ibooks, Scribd and Overdrive.

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Find all the updated resources for press release/pitch distributing, writing a LinkedIn headline, using a tool to secure reviewers, and more.

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Because media kits rock - they sell you and the book, not just the book.

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Let's make a media kit for your interviews

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Write your book description with these tips

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About the teacher


Jennifer Lancaster learnt the hard way over 12 years how to edit, format, convert to ebook and publish her own books. She also produced high-quality books from her graphic and typesetting skills.Now she shares the real deal on publishing books, with unique insights and links for Australian authors.

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